2004 Archive
...HATESPHERE's "Ballet Of The Brute" will be released on July 27, 2004...
...UNLEASHED will release their seventh album, "Sworn Allegiance," on September 7th...
...SUSPERIA have announced a European tour in support of their great new "Unlimited" CD. Click here for tour dates...
...CALIBAN have signed with Roadrunner Records. Their Roadrunner debut will be released on September 20th...
...THE WARRIORS have completed their new CD, "War Is Hell"...
...POWERMAN 5000 has released "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Volume 1." The CD features rare and previously unreleased tracks and is available only from the Megatronic Records website at http://www.megatronicrecords.com...
...RING OF FIRE will release "Lapse of Reality" on September 20th...
...BONRUD will release their self-titled CD on September 20th. The band is said to be in the vein of JOURNEY and FOREIGNER...
...CLUB VODKA's PINK PUSSYCAT has announced its latest lineup of shows. Click here to see 'em...
...CIBORIUM have signed with Hardebaran of Belgium for promotion and management. The band is currently at work in the pre-production stages of their next CD...
...BLOODSAK will play THE JOINT in Los Angeles on Friday, July 23rd. The band promises a raging cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'" by Becky (whose birthday it just happens to be). The show starts at 8:30 PM. For more information, check out http://www.bloodsak.com...
...RICHARD TRIBLE has recorded "Love, Sex & Other Messy Things," a self-produced CD. According to Richard, "I do send-ups, parodies and originals. I took a 'don't get mad, get even' approach with my takes on 'Closer (radio edit)' and 'Oops, I Did It Again.' I do a rockin' a capella version of 'Pinball Wizard' and turn 'Wipe Out' upside down by using a 'drum' sound for the lead guitar and rhythm guitar for the drum solo." Sound weird enough for you-- Check out http://www.richardtrible.com for more information...
...METALLICA's "Some Kind of Monster" film has opened in the following theaters and will open soon at the theaters listed farther down...
Los Angeles, CA Pacific Arclight 6360 Sunset Blvd. at Vine San Jose, CA Camera 12 201 South Second Street Berkeley, CA Shattuck 2230 Shattuck Avenue Oakland, CA Grand Lake Theatre 3200 Grand Avenue Sausalito, CA Century Marin 101 Caledonia Street Santa Cruz, CA Del Mar Theatre 1124 Pacific Ave. Santa Rosa, CA - Opens July 23 |
Long Beach, CA - Opens July 23 Marketplace 6 - Long Beach 6601 Pacific Coast Highway Irvine, CA - Opens July 23 University Town Center 4245 Campus Drive Santa Monica, CA - Opens July 23 Laemmle Monica 1332 2nd St Pasadena, CA - Opens July 23 Laemmle Playhouse 673 E. Colorado Blvd Sherman Oaks, CA - Opens July 23 Pacific Galleria 15301 Ventura Blvd Brea, CA - Opens July 23 Brea Stadium 22 - East 12 155 W. Birch St. San Francisco, CA - Opens July 23 Lumiere 1572 California Street at Polk Orinda, CA - Opens July 23 Orinda Theatre 2 Theatre Square, Suite #100 Mountain View, CA - Opens July 23 Century Cinema 16 1500 North Shoreline Blvd Pleasant Hill, CA - Opens July 23 Century 5 Theatre 2314 Monument Blvd. |
...Rock City News invites you to sign up for their 2004 Local and Edition of the L.A. Band Directory. For more information, check out http://www.rockcitynews.com...
...SKINDRED has signed with Lava Records. The band will release their next CD, "Babylon," on September 7th...
...THE LIZARDS will perform at the Orange County Fairgrounds in New York on July 27th. The band, featuring new lead vocalist Mike Dimeo (RIOT) will also play with THE VANILLA FUDGE on August 4th, at the Largo Cultural Center in Largo, Florida. For more information, check out http://www.thelizardswebsite.com...
...MOMENTS IN GRACE will join FINGER 11 in support of their new CD, "Moonlight Survived," due August 17th. Click here for tour dates...
...THRESHOLD will release their new CD, "Subsurface," on August 3rd. The band's website has been completed updated and features an mp3 of the new CD's opening track "Mission Profile." Check out http://www.thresh.net for more information...
...Z Records have signed SKULL featuring legendary guitarist BOB KULICK. A new compilation CD, "No Bones About It," will be released in November. Says Kulick, "I'm really excited that people will finally be able to hear some of the band's other songs! Remember, play it loud." Skull will release the all new track, "Velvet Touch," on the forthcoming "Rock the Nations 5" compilation...
...Eagle Rock Entertainment will release a newly digitized version (including 5.1 DTS Surround Sound) of THE WHO's classic "Live at the Isle of Wight" on DVD. The new release, due in stores on August 10th, will also feature a new interview with PETE TOWNSHEND...
...SHADOWS FALL have posted "The Poser of I and I" on their website at http://mp4.centurymedia.com/audio/powerofeyeandeye.mp3. The band is on the road with AS I LAY DYING, HIMSA and REMEMBERING NEVER. Click here for tour dates...
...DIE HUNNS, featuring Corey Parks (ex NASHVILLE PUSSY) and DUANE PETERS (of U.S. Bombs) will release their new CD, "Long Legs," this summer...
...MAGICA, a symphonic/melodic power metal band from Romania, invite you to check out two tracks from their new CD, "Lightkeeper," by clicking here: http://www.magica.us/mp3/Magica-Bind_you_forever.mp3. For more information, check out http://www.magic.us...
...BLUE ROOT will play an industry showcase at the Whisky-a-Go-Go in Hollywood on July 29th. The band's new single, "Cha-Pow!" can be heard in the film "Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid." For more information, check out http://www.bluerootmusic.com...
...OTEP invites you to preview three tracks and the new video from their "House of Secrets" CD. Click here to check 'em out: http://www.otep.com/player...
...You can hear songs from the new STATETROOPER
CD by visiting any of the following links:
Extreme radio: http://www.trotter58.btinternet.co.uk/playlist.htm
Radio Melodic: http://www.radiomelodic.de/playlist/46
Munichs Hardest Hits: http://www.munichshardesthits.com
Sphere Radio: http://adam-art.ch/playlist/hardrock.html
Home of Rock: http://www.home-of-rock.de/NeuigkeitenRadioMelodic.html
Rock Fantasy: http://www.proradionet.de/radio/radio/rf_playlisten/rf_040624.html
Metal Express: http://www.metalexpress.no/jukebox.asp
Total Rock: http://www.totalrock.com/
For more information, check out http://www.statetrooper.co.uk...
...Frontiers Records has announced the new CD by GLENN HUGHES, entitled "Live in the City of the Angels." Available in both double-CD and double-DVD sets, the release was shot live in January, 2004 before a live audience at the Sound Image Studio in North Hollywood, CA. For more information, check out http://www.glennhughes.com...
...Fearless Records has released two new songs from DYNAMITE BOY at http://www.purevolume.com/DynamiteBoy...
...PRO-PAIN are nearly ready to shoot their video for "Left For Dead," from their latest CD, "Fistful of Hate." The video will be shot on various locations throughout Sarasota, Florida where several of the band members call home. The video should be ready by late August 2004...
...RED HARVEST's "Internal Punishment Programs" will be released October 5th. A video for the track "Anatomy of the Unknown" has already been shot. For more information, check out http://www.www.redharvest.com...
...EIB (EVEN IN BLACKOUTS) claim that rumors of their demise are unfounded and are proving it by hitting the road. For more information and for tour dates, check out the band's website at http://www.eveninblackouts.com. In other news, the band's "Zeitgeist's Echo," will see a limited release through Knock Knock Records...
...OVERLORDE will enter the studio on July 25th to begin recording their debut CD for Cult Metal Classics, "Return of the Snow Giant."...
...Z Records have signed Canadian rockers SONIC X. The band has been described as being similar to HAREM SCAREM and classic HARDLINE. The first CD will be released in September 2004...
...ARABIA will release their new CD on Z Records sometime next year. Says the band's lead singer John Blaze, "Good things comes to those who wait! The record will be a monster!!!"...
...Fearless Records has released the new EP by YESTERDAY'S RISING, entitled "When We Speak, We Breathe." Two tracks are available for preview at www.purevolume.com/yesterdaysrising...
..."By the Grace of God," the new CD by THE HELLACOPTERS, is now available...
...METALLICA's film, "Some Kind of Monster," continues to expand its run throughout the country. Find out when it comes to your town by visiting http://www.somekindofmonster.com...
...THE BAD BOYS OF METAL tour, featuring Kevin DuBrow of Quiet Riot, Jani Lane of Warrant, Steven Adler of Guns 'n Roses and Bang Tango, have announced their initial tour dates. Click here to see them...
...RPG has signed with Arclight Records. The label will re-release the band's "Full Time" CD, along with a limited edition, sometime in October...
...Lava Records has signed the JOHN BUTLER TRIO and will release their "What You Want" EP in September. The band will then begin touring on August 28th. For more information and tour dates, visit the band's website at http://www.johnbutlertrio.com...
...Singer Mark Basile has exited MIND KEY. Elio Fierro will take his place. Check out the band's new single at www.frontiers.it/LoveRemainsFeatElio.mp3...
...Century Media Records will release NAPALM DEATH's "Leaders Not Followers, Part 2." The new CD is the band's second collection of covers. Featured this time are covers from bands such as CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER, DEVASTATION, HELLHAMMER, DISCHARGE, MASTER, KREATOR, HIRAX and more...
...Southern Lord records will release a new EP from GOATSNAKE entitled "Trampled Under Hoof." The EP will feature three new unreleased songs and two over songs (a SAINT VITUS tune and a BLACK OAK ARKANSAS tune. The EP will be available beginning August...
...Southern Lord Records will re-release "V" by SAINT VITUS in a special limited edition which will also contain a bonus video of Wino's first show with the band...
...In other Southern Lord news, the label has signed two new acts: LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR from Chicago and Norwegian rockers ORCUSTUS...
...Rock poet Allen Shadow has an answer for the frightening plunge in American readership. Says Shadow, "We need a resurgence of literate music. Songs with meaty, interesting imagery can turn listeners on. Pop music was a vehicle for literate material in the 60s and 70s, when more people read books, and it's time to return to form. There's some thought-provoking language in rap, but mainstream pop has totally failed the more literate leanings of music for too long." Shadow continues, "Party songs and run-of-the-mill love songs have their place, but why do they need to occupy 99 percent of radio airtime. Songs can be about something and still be exciting. Artists like Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young certainly proved that." For more information on Allen Shadow and his works, check out http://www.allenshadow.com...
...SUSPERIA's new CD, "Unlimited," will be available beginning July 20th...
...The debut CD by MINDGRINDER is now in stores...
...You may not know the name of ROXY SAINT, unless you're a fan of iFilm, that is. The female rocker has three of her music videos in the Top 30 of iFilm's Top Rock/Pop Videos of all time, rating above U2, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Madonna and KORN. Check out http://www.roxysaint.com for more information or to buy her debut release, "The Underground Personality Tapes" DVD. Or you can see some of her videos at iFilm.com...
...SAGITTA, a Brazilian power metal/melodic band, invite you to visit their site at http://www.sagittametal.com and download three videos of the band performing live in Bolivia....
...INTENTIONAL RAGE will join MICHAEL SCHENKER, ULI JON ROTH and FMF at the Ventura Theater on Friday, August 27th, 2004. For more information and discount tickets, check out http://www.intentionalrage.com...
...PILLAR have posted a clip of their performance at the Cornerstone Festival in Illinois. Click here to see it: http://www.cornerstonefestival.com/coverage2004.cfm...
...THE BLUE NILE will release their first studio album since 1996, entitled "High," in August...
...CREMATORIUM is looking for a new drummer. The perfect candidate must be willing to re-locate to Los Angeles and have their own equipment. The band will be recording their new album in six weeks, followed by a tour. All interested parties should e-mail Drummer@CrematoriumMusic.com for more information...
have released the following statement regarding their no-show at Turkey's Rock
The Nations Festival!!
Our apologies go out to the Turkish fans who came to see us perform in Istanbul
on July 4th this past Sunday at the Rock The Nations Festival only to find out
we were not playing. We would have been there but after providing the promoter
with the correct ticket information for all 5 band members more then 3 months
ago no ticket information ever arrived. After many attempts to get the ticket
info it arrives in an e-mail without a ticket for our drummer Dave Culross. With
no response from the promoter about getting a ticket for our drummer Dave we had
no choice but to stay where we were. Trapped in a German hotel for 4 days until
we could fly home on July 6th. Still have not got an explanation to why this
happened but hopefully we can try this again next year because we heard that we
missed an amazing festival. To make matters worse our London, England show on
June 23rd at the Underworld was also cancelled because Mother Nature was an
angry lady that stormy afternoon. We left for England from France at 1:30
pm on a ferry boat that normally takes 1 1/2 hours across the sea to England. Of
course, a brutal rain storm with 70 mile an hour winds causes all ports for the
ferries to dock to get closed and we are stuck on a ferry for 10 hours before
the ferry can dock. (What can I say-- We are fucking cursed! Believe me, it was
no fun watching people vomiting from sea sickness for 10 hours.) Once again,
sorry to all the fans who showed up at both these shows only to be let down, but
sometimes shit happens. We promise to return later this year in support of our
new album WARKULT. WARKULT is out now in Europe and will be released July 27th
in North America on Nuclear Blast Records." Phil - Malevolent Creation
...MAHAVATAR's debut CD has been pushed back to early 2005...
...HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE will start recording their third album in early 2005, entitled "The Locust Years."... The band is on tour. Click here for tour dates...
..."The Art of Balance," the new CD by SHADOWS FALL has passed the 100,000 unit sales mark...
...THE END RECORDS have signed NOVEMBERS DOOM. The first release from the Chicago, IL rockers will be a re-issue of their last full length, "To Welcome the Fade," which will include a bonus CD with unreleased material...
...FEAR FACTORY is on the road in support of their recent release "Archetype." Click here for tour dates...
...CATHEDRAL have announced a trio of UK shows before they play the German Wacken Festival. These three shows will feature the return of bassist LEO SMEE to the stage. The band's eighth album, tentatively entitled "Seeds of Decay," will be released in early 2005. For more information, check out http://www.cathedral.rockers.co.uk/frameset1.html...
...BLACK'N'BLUE's new CD, "Hell, Yeah," will be released October 25th...
has released samples of their forthcoming CD. Click the links below to hear 'em.
The CD will be released on October 18th.
...You can see the new video from PRIMAL FEAR by clicking here: http://www.nuclearblast.de/media/video/NB_1225.ram...
...ATREYU's new CD, "The Curse" sold over 34,144 units in its first week and debuted at #32 on the Top 200 Chart. The band is currently on the Ozzfest tour...
...FL have signed a recording contract / production deal with legendary producer MIKE CLINK (GUNS N'ROSES, METALLICA, SAMMY HAGAR, MEGADETH). The band released the following statement: "Along with our appearances on the Vans Warped Tour, this is our biggest accomplishment to date. We are so excited to be working with such an amazing producer who has already, in the short time we've worked together, brought FL's music to a whole 'nother level. Mike Clink's past work suggests that he is the perfect fit for FL and the final cog to this Rock N' Roll machine." The band has already begun recording of the new CD and promise to keep us posted. For more information, check out http://www.fltheband.com...
...SPARROWS POINT has completed their new CD. The band will play Saturday, July 17th, at the House of Blues on Sunset in West Hollywood with W.A.S.P. and again on Sunday, July 18th, at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco, also with Blackie and company. For more information, check out http://www.sparrowspointtheband.com...
...Special report from Rough Edge staffwriter Richard Fenkel regarding the the Celebrity Pro-Am Poker Tournament hosted by the Hard Rock Hotel's The Joint: The Joint played host to the Celebrity Pro-Am Poker tournament sponsored by PartyPoker.com on Friday, June 15th. PartyPoker.com is an online poker room that is designed to excite both the novice and the experienced player alike. The live Celebrity Pro-Am Poker tournament featured such stars GARY BUSEY, LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS, JENNIFER TILLY and JERRY CANTRELL as well as Poker pros like DAVID WILLIAMS, ANTONIO ESFANDIARI, PHIL "THE UNABOMBER" LAAK and CHRIS HINCHCLIFFE, just to name a few. These players and others were part of an exciting 15-table competition inside the Joint. Each participant was given $500 in chips at the start of the competition. If a player lost all $500 within the first hour they were permitted to receive another stack of chips valued at $500. It was a one shot deal for the first hour of the competition only. All of the action was broadcast on a big screen that included the time remaining in the event and information on the current tournament. Very high tech!!! After all was done and told, amateur poker player DAN ALSPACH took home the trophy. Check out http://www.partypoker.com for more info!...
...LACUNA COIL, lined up to play this year's Ozzfest, have sold over 100,000 copies of their new CD, "Comalies." The band's "Swamped" single will also appear on the soundtrack to the upcoming film, "Resident Evil: Apocalypse."...
...EMI will re-release ALICE COOPER's live "Fistful of Alice" on August 17th...
...RWAKE have released their new CD and the band recently completed a U.S. tour in support of the new CD with ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY. For more information, check out http://www.rwake.com...
...Evo Recordings, who recently released the CD by their first signing (California's MADSIDE) are looking to expand their roster. For more information, check out http://www.evorecordings.com...
...DIO's new CD is entitled "Master of the Moon" and will be released on August 30th...
...Go Kart Records will release "0" by Transmission0 on August 24th. The new CD will be the first from the Netherlands-based metal/hardcore band to be available in the U.S....
...Victory Records has signed Toronto's THE BLACK MARIA. For more information, check out www.theblackmaria.com...
...On August 10th, Candlelight Records will release the two CD set from ENTOMBED: "Inferno w/Averno," the band's eighth studio album...
...SUXEED is the new name of the band formed by Ex-HEAVENLY members. The band has launched their website at www.suxeed.net but it's under construction so don't expect too much. However, there are a couple of songs there to download. The band is also looking for a rhythm guitarist. Interested-- E-mail suxeed@suxeed.net...
...For this first time in their long and legendary career, SLAYER will release an entire concert on DVD featuring the band's original line-up. "Reign in Blood: Still Reigning" will be released on September 28th. The band is playing the main stage of this year's Ozzfest. Click here for tour dates or read the press release regarding the new DVD below:
SLAYER devotees, rejoice! For the
first time in the band's long career, fans will be able to see the original
Slayer line-up performing an entire concert live on DVD when the band releases
"Reign In Blood Live: Still Reigning" on September 28, 2004. The
DVD will have an approximate 75-minute running time and will retail for $14.98.
On "Reign In Blood: Still Reigning," the original members of
Slayer - Tom Araya (vocals, bass), guitarists Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman, and
drummer Dave Lombardo (who permanently rejoined the band in 2003) - will perform
in its entirety "Reign In Blood," the 28-minute, 1986 classic
considered to this day the pinnacle album of its genre.
"'Reign in Blood' is our signature record, and if people think that it
helped set the path for that genre of music, that's great," said Araya.
"It's a record that means a lot to all of us in the band - it was our
first record for a major label, and our first record with Rick Rubin who gave it
unconditional support."
"Reign In Blood: Still Reigning" will be directed by Dean Karr (Iron
Maiden's "Rock in Rio, the groundbreaking "Sweet Dreams" for
Marilyn Manson), and is set to be shot this Sunday, July 11 at the Civic Center
in Augusta, ME. Ten cameras, including three hand-held mini-DVs, will
capture Slayer throughout the day and evening, filming an abundance of footage
and interviews shot backstage, on the band's tour bus, and live on stage.
In an effort to revisit the look and feel of the time, the band will have a
special "Reign In Blood" stage backdrop, and has recreated some of the
original stage banners from the mid-80's "Reign In Blood"-era tour
dates, which incorporate the Slayer eagle and the controversial upside-down
crosses that are part of the lighting rig. And some special on-stage
surprises are planned for the DVD.
"If what we're planning for the final 45-seconds of the song 'Raining
Blood' looks half as cool as we hope it will," added guitarist King,
"the kids will be blown away. And we'll probably have to replace all
of our gear!"
Named the "Best Live Band Ever" by Revolver magazine and "Best
Band" in that magazine's 2004 "Readers' Poll," Slayer remains the
heaviest, the fastest, and the band that crafted the brutal thrash-punk-metal
blueprint that countless bands have emulated for more than two decades. Their
full-throttle velocity, wildly chaotic guitar solos, and powerful musical chops
paint an effectively chilling sonic background for their obsessive chronicling
of the dark side.
Slayer will play the Main Stage at this Summer's Ozzfest, due to kick off this
Saturday, July 10, joining Ozzy, Black Sabbath, the recently reunited Judas
Priest, Philip Anselmo's Superjoint Ritual, Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society and
Norwegian black metal mavens Dimmu Borgir. On the Ozzfest offdays, Slayer
will co-headline a slew of concerts with Slipknot or Judas Priest. Click
here four tour dates...
...It might not be hard rock and it sure as hell ain't heavy metal but congratulations are still in order for Rock-It Radio, who just celebrated their 1,000th broadcast. Rock-it Radio, who specialize in 1950's rock'n'roll, rockabilly and doo-wop, were honored by such legendary performers as GARY U.S. BONDS, BRENDA LEE and many others who phoned in to congratulate the station on their milestone broadcast. Owned and operated by Ventura, California resident Bennie Dingo, Rock-it Radio is syndicated to radio stations around the world and is always available online at http://www.rockitradio.net. And you can listen to the 1,000th Broadcast throughout the month of July by tuning into http://www.palmsradio.com/rockittext.htm...
...Eagle Rock Entertainment will release the legendary "Music For Montserrat" DVD on July 27th, 2004. The DVD includes live performances by Sting, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Jimmy Buffet, Phil Collins and one of the last performances from Carl Perkins...
...Also from Eagle Rock Entertainment, on the same date, is THE DOORS - LIVE IN EUROPE 1968 on DVD. Filmed during the band's 1968 European tour, the DVD features live performances of Alabama Song, Light My Fire, Love Me Two Times, Hello, I Love You and more...
...CLUB VODKA will celebrate their 2nd Anniversary with a special evening on July 8th, 2004. Performing that evening will be THE HOLLYWOOD ALLSTARZ featuring CARLOS CAVAZO, JEFF PILSON, VINNY APPICE, CHAS WEST & KRIGGER & FROM NYC CARNIVAL OF SOULS, EUPHORAPHONIC, SILVERTONE FOUNDATION, DROP 8 and THE MIRROR OF GREYNESS BAND and PRAGMATIC. The venue has plenty of great shows coming up, click here to see the next few...
...UNEARTH's new CD, "The Oncoming Storm," debuted at #105 on the Billboard Top 200 Chart, selling over 13,373 copies...
...Joe Berlinger
and Bruce Sinofsky, the directors of the METALLICA:
SOME KIND OF MONSTER film, have issued the following statement regarding the
Dear friends,
As you've probably heard, our new movie Metallica: Some Kind of Monster is
opening in theatres this summer. You may have checked out some of the opening
dates and cities on the website, and you might be wondering why your town isn't
on the list yet. Here's why: This isn't a Hollywood blockbuster, so
there's no big studio backing the movie and opening it on thousands of screens
like most films you'll see this summer. In most countries (including the U.S.),
the film is being released in what is called a "platform release."
This means that it opens slowly, one or two cities at a time. If a lot of people
go to see it in those first few cities AS SOON AS IT OPENS, it will open in
other places. If people don't show up on opening weekend in each and every city,
the theatres will be forced to pull it off the screen by the Hollywood studios
that want that screen for Spiderman 2 or one of the other major movies they're
Some Kind of Monster is the underdog movie of the summer. We don't have the clout of the big studios who can open their movies everywhere and keep them running for weeks even if no one's showing up. A lot of people in the movie business think that we're out of our minds to be releasing Some Kind of Monster in theatres to a wide audience, simply because it's about Metallica. We think those people are wrong. We're proud of this movie and we want as many people as possible to see it on the big screen. If you've seen it at a festival or an advance screening, then you already know that the mind-blowing Dolby 5.1 surround sound mix alone is worth the price of admission. While the DVD will be cool, it won't be out for almost a year, and this movie is really meant to be seen in theatres.
We hope that as part of the Metallica family, you've already heard good things about Some Kind of Monster and are psyched to see it. But it's important to know that you probably won't get to see it unless you go on the opening weekend that it opens in your city or town. The opening weekends in New York and San Francisco (July 9th) and Los Angeles are crucial to the film's survival. If everyone waits a few weeks thinking it will still be around, the movie will be dead in the water, and it will not play in all of the other places we want to bring it to. So bring your friends, and tell them to bring their friends. Bring your families, your neighbors, your co-workers, and your enemies. Call a bunch of Met Club folks and go see it together. And if you don't live in one of the places where it's playing, call or write to anyone you know who does, and tell them to go see it. We want to prove that everyone who says, "No one wants to see a movie about Metallica," is WRONG. Judging from the Met fans we've encountered over the years, we know that we couldn't ask for a more dedicated, energetic and diverse group of people to join us in this mission. If we didn't think this film was worth the fight, we wouldn't waste your time.
But we believe in Some Kind of Monster.
We've dedicated over three years of our lives to it, and we hope we can count on
each of you to make this monster live.
Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky
P.S. Since Some Kind of Monster is such an underdog, it's not playing at a lot
of huge multiplex cinemas. Instead, it's playing mostly at independently-run
theatres. The owners of these theatres are taking a risk on this movie because
they care about it and believe in it as much as we do. So if you go to the
movies and you don't see an ad for Some Kind of Monster at your usual theatre,
check out www.somekindofmonster.com
to find out where it's playing.
...Eight MEGADETH CDs have been re-mastered and are due to be released on July 27th, including "The Craving" with new lead vocals by Dave Mustaine (yeah, that'll work). See www.megadeth.com for more information...
from Israel performed live at the Rock The Nations Open Air Festival in
Istanbul, Turkey, in support of their new CD, "Mabool." Vocalist Kobi
Farhi issued the following report from the show:
"We got back yesterday from this historic festival and our performance
was unbelievable - one of the best of our lives!!! The crowd knew our songs and
the whole place was singing (more than 5,000 people!!). They even sang in
Hebrew! We also did a song in Turkish and the place freaked out. We co-headlined
the first day alongside Pain Of Salvation. Turkey is a great home for Orphaned
Land, as the border of east and west. Try to imagine it yourself: the sad
reality of the Middle East, and then there is a concert where people from
Turkey, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia all sing together the songs
from the same band. It's amazing! I'm speechless!"...
...Z Records has signed New Jersey's SNAKERYDER and will release their new CD in August. For more information, check out http://www.snakeryder.com...
...The new CD by IRON SAVIOR, "Battering Ram" is now available, as is the new solo album by HAMMERFALL vocalist Joacim Cans, "Beyond the Gates"...
...ZO2, now on tour with KISS and POISON and featuring members TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, is touring in support of their CD, "Tuesdays & Thursdays." Says the band's vocalist/guitarist Paulie Z: "We all grew up idolizing KISS, so this tour is a dream come true for us. There are tapes of David (vocals, bass) and I as kids singing and playing their classic "Alive!" album." Click here for tour dates or visit www.zo2.com for more information...
...THE IRON MAIDENS will play Cane's Bar & Grill in San Diego on July 9th. The first 100 people at the door will receive a free 8x10 glossy photo of the band. Visit www.theironmaidens.com for more information...
...Squash Radio, a new website described as "a way to put music back into the hands of the artists and their fans" went live on June 2nd and is growing quickly. For more information, check out http://www.squashradio.com...
...SYSTEM OF A DOWN are back in the studio, working on their follow-up to "Toxicity." Says the band's Daron Malakian, "The influences range from Kraftwerk to Dark Throne to the Zombies to the Beach Boys, but it all fits together, it works." ...
...On July 25th, DREAM THEATER keyboardist Jordan Rudess will present Keyfest, a full day of keyboard appreciation at the White Plains Performing Arts Center, 11 City Place in White Plains. For more information, check out http://www.jordanrudess.com...
...GRAND FUNK RAILROAD are on tour. Click here for tour dates or check out http://www.grandfunkrailroad.com for more information...
...MOUNTAIN will release a double live CD later this year. For more information, check out www.mountaintheband.com...
...JETHRO TULL will tour North America in November. Visit http://www.jethrotull.com for more information...
...REQUIEM AETERNAM has completed recording their new CD, "Philosopher." A song has been posted in the download section of the band's website at www.requiem-aeternam.com...
...MERENDINE ATOMICHE expect to take their time on their new CD, planning on hitting the recording studio in the summer of 2005...
...GAMESHOUT Radio Network will air a live interview with FEAR FACTORY drummer Raymond Herrera on July 15th, 2004, at 5PM Pacific/8PM Eastern. For more information, check out www.GameSHOUTRadio.com...
...MediaFeast, an online independent music retailer dedicated to helping independent artists bring new music to fans and helping listeners find great new music, has opened for artist registration in preparation of a full launch in August. For more information, check out http://www.mediafest.com...
...AMERICAN DOG's "All Over the Road" tour is heading to Europe beginning July 10th - 24th. For more information, check out www.americandog.net...
...THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN will release their new CD, "Miss Machine," on July 20th. Click here to see the "Miss Machine" e-card: http://www.relapse.com/ecards/dep/. The band will tour the U.S. beginning July 18th. Click here for tour dates...
...MASTODON will join FEAR FACTORY on the road beginning July 20th. Mastodon is touring in support of their new CD, "Leviathan, due August 31st. Click here for tour dates...
...ZEKE will tour Europe in support of their new CD, "Til the Living End," their first for Relapse Records...
...Relapse Records will re-release "Rise Again," previously available only on the rare Man's Ruin label. The re-release will be remastered, repackaged and feature two bonus tracks. The band is on tour. Click here for tour dates...
...TODAY IS THE DAY will release "Kiss the Pig," an album described as "delivering ultra-violent heavy metal filled with feelings and emotions so black, you'll want to die," on July 12th...
...HATESPHERE will release their new CD, "Ballet of the Brute," on July 27th...
...EVERGREEN TERRACE is on tour with a bevy of different bands. Click here for tour dates...
...HOSTILE from Oxnard, CA will perform live with FRIENDS WE HATE, HARROW, SPLINT and THE GOODE TIMES on Friday, July 9th at the Ventura Theatre in, surprisingly, Ventura, CA...
...THE HOODED FANG is mixing their new EP, "Pound of Muff," and plan to release it on July 23rd. For more information, and to check out a few live tracks, check out the band's website at www.thehoodedfang.com...
...TESTAMENT's set during the recent BANG YOUR HEAD!!! 2004 festival was brought to an abrupt halt when the plug was pulled during their performance due to a strict curfew set up by the city of Balingen which requires that live performances must end by 11PM...
...DOG FASHION DISCO has signed a multi-album deal with Artemis Records and expect to release their next studio CD in the first quarter of 2005...
...DROWNING POOL will be interviewed from the Download at Castle Donnington in London, England on Friday, July 2nd (from 4-5 PM ET) and Sunday, July 4th (3-4 PM ET) at www.extremeradio.com...
...RHINO BUCKET have posted their new video, "She Rides," at the band's website - http://www.rhinobucket.com. The video is the band's first in over 10 years. Rhino Bucket is also at work on a new album, featuring their new lead guitarist, Brian Forsythe, (KIX) and new drummer Jackie Enx...
...National Noise Magazine is giving away an autographed Zakk Wylde Dunlop pedal. For more information, check out http://www.nationalnoise.com/contests/zakkwydlepedal/zakk.htm...
...INTO ETERNITY are looking for a new tour drummer. The Canadian band has issued a call for interested parties who should be familiar with the band's music, and be ready to give 110% to the band and the tour. Other requirements include the player's own professional level equipment, the ability to tour worldwide, a current passport, no criminal record and the ability to practice in the band's hometown of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Interested parties should write to intoeternitydrummer@adelphia.net...
...Smog Veil Records has signed AMPS II ELEVEN and the band's debut is slated for a September 7 release. The band will begin touring in late July. Says bassist Tony Erba, "Amps II Eleven is a band long on aggro and short on patience for the bullshit business-end of the underground rock scene. In Smog Veil, we are very lucky to have a fellow Clevelander whose got a very professionally run, incredibly fast-growing and respected record label. And beyond that [Frank Mauceri] is first and foremost a fan of the bands he works with. He is also proud of his hometown's place in punk rock history, and above all, he is a truly stand-up FRIEND. I personally have known Frank for over 12 years now and have watched him make huge sacrifices to follow his passion and grow his label. Amps II Eleven couldn't ask for a better family to be a part of." For tour dates click here or, for more information, check out www.amps2eleven.com....
...SOUL SIRKUS, featuring Neal Schon, Deen Castronovo, Jeff Scott Sottoa and Marco Mendoza, will release their first CD in early 2005. For more information, check out the band's hugely popular website at http://www.soulsirkus.com...
...IRON SAVIOR has released a new free single, "Time Will Tell," from the Noise Records website at http://www.noiserecords.com/ironsavior/battering/mp3.html. Also available is the artwork for the single...
...NICKELBACK will appear on the nationally syndicated Rockline on Monday, June 28th, at 8:30 PM PT/11:30 PM ET. For more information, check out www.rocklineradio.com...
...EVERGREEN TERRACE is on the road and will join up with A LIFE ONCE LOST, THE RED CHORD, and FEAR BEFORE THE MARCH OF FLAMES beginning July 29th. Click here for tour dates...
...ON BROKEN WINGS, SHATTERED REALM, THE JUDAS CRADLE, BLACK MY HEART and THE WARRIORS will head out on tour beginning August 2nd. Click here for tour dates...
...Eulogy Records has launched their new site. Check it out by visiting www.eulogyrecordings.com...
...UNTIL THE END have nearly completed recording their new CD, "The Blind Leading the Lost." The new CD is expected to be released on September 14th...
...HAND OF HOPE RECORDS has launched their website at www.handofhoperecords.com...
...BLACK MY HEART has signed to Eulogy Records...
...SHATTERED REALM are currently writing material for their next CD...
...THE GAMITS have released their new CD, "Antidote." The band is on tour in Japan through July 14th and then return to the States on July 29th. Click here for tour dates or click here to check out the band's new video for "How to Escape."...
...OSMIUM's "Abhorrence" has been added to the 4x4 Extreme Video, "Haulin' or Crawlin'." For more information, check out www.4x4extremevideos.com. The band has also been added to the documentary film, "Get Thrashed."...
...TIGER ARMY will sign their new CD, "III: Ghost Tigers Rise" on June 30th at the Virgin Record Store in Orange, CA beginning at 6:00 PM...
...Earache Records has signed Richmond, Virginia's MUNICIPAL WASTE. Says the band, "We're bloody chuffed to be working with Earache. Expect nothing short of a raging, toxic, high-speed thrash assault!" Check out the band's "Knife Fight" by clicking here: http://www.earache.com/bands/municipal_waste/mp3/Knife_Fight.mp3...
...MORTIIS's next CD will be entitled "The Grudge." The CD is due in stores on September 14th...
...Disappointed by the transportation and financial arrangements of their tour agent, DEICIDE have returned from their UK tour before it even started. The band is scheduled to play the U.S., however, and you can find out where and when by clicking here...
...CULT OF LUNA are in the studio, recording their next CD. The band released the following studio report: "Our first recording session is over, two weeks of really hard work. Almost everything, on this first batch of five songs, is done. Things have gone really well and we've surprisingly stuck to the schedule. The only thing missing on these five songs is the electronic stuff, which will be added during the next session. During this 'in-between sessions time', we will put the final touches on the last few songs, getting them ready for recording ... and if necessary redo some overdubs on the other songs too. We might be getting some cool and unexpected guest appearances on some songs! Stay tuned, more news from Tonteknik Studio will come in the near future."...
...NorCal rockers SHORTIE will enter the studio on July 12th to begin recording their debut for Earache Records...
...Eric Dellon is the new vocalist for DECEMBER. Says guitarist Julian Peach: "Although we will all miss Mark I think Eric will have no troubles finding his own path with the band. I know that Eric is going to help us breathe new life into the machine."...
...ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY have released their first new CD in two years, "Fulton Hill." The new CD marks the debut of the band's new vocalist, Johnny Weils. The band is on tour. Click here for tour dates...
...THE CRINGE, NYC based alternative rock band, invite you to visit their website at http://www.TheCringeBand.com...
...COBRE VERDE will release a CD of covers entitled "Kill the Singer, Save the Song," featuring covers of songs by such artists as THE TROGGS, DONNA SUMMER, NEW ORDER, PINK, THE ROLLING STONES, UNDERTONES and more...
...BUTCH WALKER will join AMERICAN HI-FI on tour in the U.S. ... or is it the other way around. The tour will feature American Hi-Fi as the opening act and then the band will return to serve as Walker's backing band. Says Walker, "A lot of bands do the split 7" single thing, but why stop there-- Our idea is to split everything right down the middle, including the logos on the bass drum. Besides, it worked for Dylan and The Band." Click here for tour dates...
...Fearless Records will release "When We Speak, We Breath," the new CD by YESTERDAYS RISING, on July 13th...
...GARY MOORE has released his latest studio album, "Power of the Blues." Joining Moore on the CD are bass guitarist Bob Daisley (Ozzy Osbourne, Rainbow) and drummer Darrin Mooney (Primal Scream, Scars). For more information, check out http://www.gary-moore.com...
...OZRIC TENTACLES will tour the U.S. beginning July 6th in Boston. The band has just released a "Best Of" CD. Click here for tour dates...
...SUSPERIA's "Unlimited" is now available in the U.S. For more information, check out www.susperia.net...
...EMETH has released their debut CD, "Insidious." For more information, check out www.emeth.be...
...Frontiers Records will release "Perpetual," the new CD by KINGDOM COME, on August 30th. Says the band's Lenny Wolf, "I can't wait to perform the new material on stage and I can guarantee you an evening of Kingdom Come that will satisfy your every need." For more information, check out www.frontiers.it...
...CLUTCH will release "Jam Room" in the U.S. on August 3rd. The new release will differ from the European release with fifteen tracks instead of twelve and a different sequence. In addition, the U.S. version will feature collectible stickers...
...September 7th will mark Century Media's release of new CDs by GRAVE and UNLEASHED...
...BLOODSAK will play The Joint on Pico at Robertson in L.A. on July 3rd at 9:45PM. The evening will also mark the 21st birthday of the band's Kerr so be ready to party...
...Frontiers Records will release "Get Up," the new CD by RICHIE KOTZEN, on August 30th...
...AUTHORITY ZERO, whose new CD was released on June 29th, have announced a headlining tour before joining the Vans Warped tour. Click here for tour dates...
...Although not really hard rock, heavy metal or, really, even punk, they are from Rough Edge's hometown of Ventura so it's worth noting that the ARMY OF FRESHMEN will release their CD, "Beg, Borrow, Steal," on July 13th. The band will join the Warped Tour in support of the new release...
...LAMB OF GOD will release their next studio album, "Ashes of the Wake," this fall...
...HODSON's debut CD, "This Strange World" has been released in Japan and will soon be released in Europe. For more information, check out www.hodson.uk.com...
...LENNON is on tour, on some dates with ALICE COOPER and some with HEART. What a show that would be. Click here for tour dates...
Copyright © 2004 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
Revised: 06 Oct 2019 11:49:09 -0400.