An Interview with Riggs of SCUM OF THE EARTH
Interview by Mike SOS - November 2004
Scum of the Earth is the new project by Rob Zombie guitarist Riggs, a man that is no stranger to the rigors of being in a successful rock band. When we caught up with Riggs via email, we found out a little bit about his early days, as well as his expectations and goals for his latest album,
"Blah, Blah, Blah ... Love Songs for the New Millennium," on Eclipse Records.
ROUGHEDGE: Where did you grow up?
RIGGS: In Arkansas.
And how did you break into the band scene?
RIGGS: I left Arkansas.
ROUGH EDGE: What were some of your influences growing up?
RIGGS: I didn't have any. I lived in the middle of Nowhere, Arkansas with my grandparents and had no way of hearing music. I
learned how to play guitar before I even heard any bands I liked. When I was a little older, my uncle was listening to Frank Zappa,
Alice Cooper, Nazareth's "Hair of the Dog." I liked that.
ROUGH EDGE: How did you start this band? Were there any musicians you wanted to ask to join who weren't able to?
RIGGS: I had a bunch of songs sitting around in my computer wasting away, and this chick Kimberly Rowhedder called me up one day. She asked what I was doing, and got me a record deal by sending out some e-mails. I called a longtime friend of mine,
Clay, and asked if he would be interested (and he was) and had no idea who else to get.
ROUGH EDGE: How did the collaborations with John from System and the Tempesta brothers come about?
RIGGS: I had no idea who to get for the band, so that's how they came about playing on the record. I have been friends with those guys for a long time and they were nice enough to help me out a bit making this record.
ROUGH EDGE: What makes this project different from any of your previous musical endeavors?
RIGGS: I don't know ... Different people.
ROUGH EDGE: What is your favorite song off of
"Blah, Blah, Blah"? Toughest song to record?
RIGGS: "Murder Song." The toughest one was the acoustic stuff. I had a hard time tuning down that low without destroying the guitars.
ROUGH EDGE: What does Rob Zombie think of the band?
RIGGS: I don't know.
ROUGH EDGE: What kind of touring are you planning for this release?
RIGGS: As much as we can get away with.
ROUGH EDGE: Are you thinking about SOTE's second album
yet and if so, what can we expect?
RIGGS: If it does all right, you can expect a second one. Hopefully, better than the first.
ROUGH EDGE: What other musical projects are you involved in?
RIGGS: None, I think.
ROUGH EDGE: When I'm not playing, I'm ...?
ROUGH EDGE: Who are some of your favorite bands on the scene today?
RIGGS: B.L.S, Korn, Mudvayne, Slayer, a lot more
ROUGH EDGE: How does playing with Rob Zombie compare with fronting your own band?
RIGGS: A lot harder to get shit done.
ROUGH EDGE: What advice can you give to aspiring musicians?
RIGGS: Do your motha-fuckin' thing.
ROUGH EDGE: What would you like to say to the fans?
RIGGS: If we have any, I'd like to say thanks and see ya soon.
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