The Madness of the Round Table with members of 3 INCHES OF BLOOD, THE AGONY SCENE, STILL REMAINS
Interview by Ray Van Horn, Jr. - March 2005
For this section, I chose a couple of questions I like to ask many
bands plus a few off-the-cuff queries fired off to all four bands on Roadrunner’s Road Rage Tour. If you haven’t read
Part 1 (and shame on you if you haven’t), the players here are Shane Clark and Justin Hegberg of 3 Inches of Blood, Chris Emmons and Steven Kaye of The Agony Scene, Jordan Whelan and Mike Church of Still Remains and Corey Beaulieu of
Trivium. The fun of a round-table format is that chaos theory prevails. What follows is a highly entertaining lightning round that not even the booming sound checks behind us could drown out.
(laughs) Okay, this is what I call The Great Big Plug section. I mean, I know
"Advance and Vanquish" for 3 Inches of Blood has been out a little bit, but the rest of you guys have albums still about to come out (as of this writing, Trivium’s
"Ascendancy" is now officially on the market). Let’s hypothetically say we’re standing in a record store and you’ve got a group of people in front of you itching to buy something. In order to sway votes to your cause, plug your album.
Steven Kaye: Oh, shit!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Jordan Whelan: Oh …
Mike Church: Wow, man, that’s a good question!
Shane Clark: Uhh, hey guys, check this out! (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Justin Hagberg: I haven’t been one to … I’m a pretty modest guy. I’m not one to personally know what to say when plugging my own stuff, but I was a fan of
"Advance and Vanquish" before I was in the band, so I’d probably tell them it’s a fucking awesome album. They should buy it because when I first heard it I was totally blown away, so I would just tell them it’s everything you want in a metal album, really. I mean, I love heavy metal, so yeah. It’s a well-educated metal album.
Shane Clark: Yeah, I wouldn’t put myself in that situation. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to ruin the
question …
RoughEdge.com: Nah, don’t worry about it.
Shane Clark: Because it’s more like word-of-mouth is where I get a lot of my metal, not to be a goof or anything.
RoughEdge.com: No, it’s a valid point. However you want to answer is cool. Corey?
Corey Beaulieu: I’d probably say if you want a really strong metal album that rips your face
off … if you like guitar solos, hit stuff, melodic stuff … it’s got every style of metal in it and it’s a really strong album. No matter if you listen to death metal or thrash metal or prog metal, there’s things in there that can grab every person that listens to any style of metal. So if anyone listens to metal and likes good music, then
"Ascendancy" is definitely an album to check out.
RoughEdge.com: Cool. How about for Still Remains’
"Of Love and Lunacy"?
Jordan Whelan: It’s so hard to toot your own
horn …
Mike Church: Right.
Jordan Whelan: But at the same time, I’d say we go to depths that a lot of metalcore bands don’t go to, like our
keyboards … I think what really stands us out, and I know it sounds kind of cliché, you know, from other bands with keyboards, but I don’t think any band goes into any depth that we go into with it. I honestly think it reaches all ends of everything. It goes from the fast metal riffs, the heaviest breakdowns you can imagine and some of the most beautiful, melodic singing parts like we were saying earlier, three part harmonies. Even when people don’t like heavy music, they tell us they like our music, just because it hits a certain listenability
that … it’s not too heavy all the time, it’s not too soft all the time …
RoughEdge.com: Right.
Jordan Whelan: So that’s one of the main reasons I enjoy the music that we play, because it touches a lot of styles of music, a lot of different levels of rock and roll. But it all relates to each other, you know what I mean?
RoughEdge.com: Yeah, that’s cool. Chris or Steve? How about The Agony Scene’s
"The Darkest Red"?
Chris Emmons: It’s generally a catch-all as far as heavy music. You don’t have to be into one kind of heavy music; it’s sort of the kind of shit that you’d like if you just like heavy music period, you know? It’s really something to kick someone’s ass to, is basically what I’d call it. If that’s the kind of shit you’re looking for, then pick it up! (laughs)
Steven Kaye: It’s catchy!
RoughEdge.com: It’s a way to get yourself amped up in the morning.
Steven Kaye: Yeah!
Chris Emmons: Yeah, pretty much. It does work for that.
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) Now guys, this year marks the 25th Anniversary of Roadrunner Records and I used to get much of the old Roadrunner catalog back in the day like King
Diamond …
Shane Clark: Oh yeah, Sepultura…
RoughEdge.com: Right. Whiplash, Znowhite, all those bands. You four bands together on this tour, plus your other labelmates represent the new breed for Roadrunner. What responsibility, if any, do you feel as ambassadors of not only your label, but of the metal scene right now?
Shane Clark: It’s not so much of a responsibility, it’s more like creating music that we love and having a chance to bring it to other people.
Justin Hegberg: It’s just being who we are, you know?
Shane Clark: Yeah, and Roadrunner having us is just another great thing that can happen for us as a band in getting the music to the people, which is job number one, right?
Justin Hegberg: Right.
Shane Clark: But it feels good doing our thing and having a chance to do it for a lot of people. The other bands on this tour are awesome too, they’re doing their own thing
and … Justin, you want to help me out here?
Justin Hegberg: Yeah, my opinion about this band being on Roadrunner is that it is a great opportunity because I’ve been in past bands where it’s been all DIY, you know? You’re planning shows and you’re arranging tours, and there’s a lot of time consumed into that. With being on this label you’ve got a golden opportunity to just focus on your live show and it’s nice there’s people helping you out and setting you up with shows. But I think the main priority is to do music that you want to do. Everyone in 3 Inches of Blood likes playing this music and we’re going to continue writing music that we all like to play, you know? We hope we’re making other people happy as we’re making ourselves happy as well. We’re just having a fun time on the road.
Shane Clark: I concur!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: I mean, when I was in middle school and high school, Roadrunner bands were basically it for me, you know, like Sepultura, Beneath the Remains, Arise, Chaos A.D., all these albums were on Roadrunner and were basically all that I was listening to at that point, so yeah, it means a lot.
Steven Kaye: I was into punk rock when I was younger. I mean, I love Sepultura, so yeah, I guess I feel it a little bit. This man (Chris) knows it more than I do.
RoughEdge.com: Ahh, punk like Dead Kennedys, DRI
Steven Kaye: Oh yeah!
RoughEdge.com: Ramones, GBH, Exploited.
Steven Kaye: TSOL?
RoughEdge.com: TSOL, definitely.
Steven Kaye: Love it!
RoughEdge.com: Gang Green …
Steven Kaye: Yes!
RoughEdge.com: So incredible.
Steven Kaye: Absolutely!
Corey Beaulieu: Everyone on this tour is ecstatic to be part of the Roadrunner family that has a great history, a lot of great influential bands
that … they know how to pick them! A lot of their bands are some of the biggest bands on the scene and I think that’s been our goal since day one, was to be the biggest metal band in the world.
RoughEdge.com: Right on.
Corey Beaulieu: And Roadrunner had that bad rep for a little while with the whole nu-metal pump and stuff like that, but we just want to be part of the comeback that proves Roadrunner releases high quality good metal albums, and it’s great to be leaders of the pack for them to show that Roadrunner’s the top label in the game for metal and everything like that.
RoughEdge.com: Yeah, they are today what Megaforce was back in the eighties, you know, just putting out the best of the best.
Corey Beaulieu: Yeah, no doubt.
RoughEdge.com: All right, this is my favorite topic I like to discuss with bands: road breakdowns.
Jordan Whelan: As far as like …
Mike Church: Breakdowns mechanically or personally?
Chris Emmons: Mental or vans? (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: Vans! (laughs)
Steven Kaye: Both! (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) Mechanical failures on the road!
Mike Church: Oh, mechanically! (laughs) Okay, I gotcha!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) No, I’m not going there! Mechanically speaking. (laughs) It happens to
everybody …
Shane Clark: Oh yeah, totally.
RoughEdge.com: To me, it’s an underappreciated thing that fans don’t necessarily know about; they don’t have any appreciation for what it takes to get from one venue to another. So do any of you have any breakdown stories you’d like to share?
Mike Church: Yesterday, I was bawling my eyes out for eight hours! Just kidding! (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Mike Church: Actually, before we left … How many days into the tour was it as far
as … It was a couple of days into the tour and we suddenly realized we had a huge gash in one of our tires. We brought it to a place and he put a pen into the gash in the tire and the pen went in a quarter of the way! (laughs) And he was like, “Maybe you should get that fixed!”
RoughEdge.com: Maybe! (laughs)
Mike Church (to Jordan): Have you guys broken down on tour before since I’m the new guy? I’m trying to
imagine …
Jordan Whelan: Oh! One time when we just got home from a
weekend … this was like two-and-a-half years ago when we were half a year into the existence of the
band … we’re driving from the town of Kalamazoo, which is about 45 minutes away from Grand Rapids where we’re from. We’re driving this old ’86 Ford, rusted to heck and barely staying alive and barely staying together, you know?
RoughEdge.com: Right.
Jordan Whelan: And we’re about two miles away from our bass player’s house where we just dropped him off at, and our complete bottom axle fell off!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Mike Church: (laughs)
Jordan Whelan: And like, Steve, our old guitar player had no idea what happened, you know? We thought the whole engine fell out or something, we had no idea!
Mike Church: (laughs)
Jordan Whelan: That was probably the most intense moment ever! We were just about to get on the highway, we’re going about 40 miles an hour and all of a sudden it’s the loudest scraping noise you can imagine!
RoughEdge.com: Oh, man, that’s nuts!
Jordan Whelan: We’ve been fortunate, though. We haven’t had anything too intense like having a tire blow out while on the road or anything like that, so we’ve been pretty fortunate. Plus I’m paranoid about all that stuff, so we just make sure we’ve got transmission plus the oil change, you know, make sure the tires are okay, so that helps.
RoughEdge.com: What about you guys, Chris?
Chris Emmons: On the way home from the last tour we hit a patch of ice and did a complete 360 and we went on the side of the road with the trailer and the
van …
RoughEdge.com: Whoa! (laughs)
Chris Emmons: The whole fucking thing did a 360, so that bent our axle a little bit, which had one of the wheels turned a little
sideways …
Steven Kaye: Oh, man, yeah …
Chris Emmons: So we were driving home, it was snowing, and everything’s white, I couldn’t see anything.
Steven Kaye: About 45 minutes from home!
Chris Emmons: You couldn’t see anything and I guess we had a blowout and I didn’t know it.
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: (laughs) We were driving on a rim!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: And it melted down half the rim …
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Steven Kaye: Half the rim was gone by the time we
Chris Emmons: We pulled over for a toll and it was like,
KKKKKKKKKKKKKK! this horrible noise …
Steven Kaye: We didn’t even hear it, man!
Chris Emmons: And then the highway patrol pulls up and says “You know, you can’t drive like that!” We’re like, “Yeah, we’re aware of that!” (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Steven Kaye: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: We didn’t know … there was a white cowlick, you look behind you in the mirror, the trailer’s white, you can’t see anything, and you couldn’t hear it! Nobody even woke up!
Steven Kaye: We’ve got a big fucking van!
Chris Emmons: I got to ride home with a tow truck driver for like an hour and he was telling me all about life.
Steven Kaye: (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: What’s worth it and what’s not.
RoughEdge.com: Nice, and the watch goes tick, tick, tick, tick,
tick …
Chris Emmons: Yeah, pretty much.
Steven Kaye: I think that’s the only serious …
Chris Emmons: Before you were in the band, the only thing was overheating here and there, like in California in the summer it’s so hot that you have
to … well, you know.
RoughEdge.com: Shane or Justin?
Shane Clark: Well, we’ve had a bunch. We’ve had cooling problems in our van, but that’s something that we all expect to happen all the time, so when it does happen, you’ve just got to deal with it and have
a … you just make light of the situation and joke around, get some pot, just hang out until the van’s fixed. You know, just goof around, go get something to eat. I’ve heard of bands just losing it and wanting to quit going on, you know. You’ve got to use all of your money to fix the van, but it’s no big deal because hopefully you’ll sell some shirts that night!
Justin Hegberg: Yeah! Hopefully you play enough shows prior to accidents you
have …
Shane Clark: Yeah, because we really enjoy living on the road and that’s just one of the things that come along with the whole deal.
Justin Hegberg: Yeah, I could tell you something that’s
not … well, it’s 3 Inches of Blood related just because it happened to me when I was on the road a couple of years ago with another band. We were on the I-5 going from San Francisco to LA and in
Buttfucknowhere …
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Justin Hegberg: Our back tire and axle comes off our van, shoots across the highway into oncoming traffic going the other way! The tire flies into someone’s windshield heading the other way!
RoughEdge.com: Whoa!
Justin Hegberg: We skid in the van … there’s like sparks and fire behind our van and we’re passing a semi at the same time, right? So we’re just all over the place! So we get to the grass and we’re in a place like Los Banos, which we ended up staying at for a week while we were waiting for our van to get fixed, but when we pulled to the side there was about a hundred yards of fire! It looked like Back to the Future when the car goes back in time, there’s the trail of fire.
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Justin Hegberg: That’s what happened to us on the side of the road, you know, melted
tire … We’re putting the fire out … I’m dumping Coke and water and all this stuff all over the fire, anything we’ve got in the van there. Speeding cars are going by, it was just insane! It cost a couple grand and we were in Los Banos for almost a week and it was a fucking brutal time, and we ended up having to cancel a few shows but regardless, we managed.
Shane Clark: You made it out alive!
Justin Hegberg: Yeah, we made it out alive. So there’s a little story there.
RoughEdge.com: Wow, that’s a crazy story!
Justin Hegberg: Yeah, it was a story and I wouldn’t say it was little!
RoughEdge.com: No! (laughs)
Shane Clark: (makes snoring noises)
Justin Hegberg: Thanks, Shane!
Shane Clark: Sorry about that, Justin! I didn’t mean to burn you there, man!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) Corey, anything to report in the way of breakdowns?
Corey Beaulieu: Yeah, we just had that happen to us the other day for the first time! We were in the what, I think fourth show of the tour, we were in Grand Rapids, Michigan and right when we got there, right outside the city maybe ten minutes away we stopped at a gas station and as soon as we turned the van on, it started making this weird noise and stuff, like the belts being funny, and stuff like that. So we went to the venue and played the show, then the next day we found a garage to bring it to and we told him what the problem was and he was like, “Oh, you’re going to need a new alternator and oil change,” like, two hours of work. So we went out and got something to eat, you know, we figured kill two hours, we won’t be late. We found out there was all sorts of problems that was going to take a day or two to fix!
RoughEdge.com: Oh, man!
Corey Beaulieu: So we were like, “Shit, we’re going to miss the next two days!” since we couldn’t drive with it because there was at least four or five problems and four or five major things had to get fixed. So luckily Still Remains, that was their hometown, they had a friend in a band with a van and they let us borrow his van to go to the show in Illinois. We figured our van would be
done … they said it was going to be done by the time we got back from the show that day so we could make it to the next one and everything would be cool. We got back, the parts company sent him the wrong parts for the van, so we had to wait an extra day.
RoughEdge.com: Oh, shit! (laughs)
Corey Beaulieu: So we actually missed one show on the tour in Cleveland and then we had to drive from Grand Rapids to
New York the next day. The van didn’t get done until around noon and it’s about a twelve hour drive, so we’re figuring we’re not making that show and we were really bummed out because it’s the biggest show on the whole tour because all the label people are out, the 25th anniversary thing, it’d be a good show for the tour. So we end up telling them we’re not going to make it, we’re not going to get there until at least 1:00 in the morning, so they ended
up … we drove to Cleveland and they flew us to the show! So the band flew, we got there 20 minutes before we had to play! We had to rent equipment, borrow
equipment …
RoughEdge.com: Man!
Corey Beaulieu: And a couple of our tour guys made the long haul of driving the van and the trailer all the way to New York!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Corey Beaulieu: So that was our little couple day fiasco trying to get things going!
RoughEdge.com: Wow, man!
Corey Beaulieu: But everything’s all set, we got everything fixed and we’re rolling strong again! (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: Right on, man. As far as coping with the road, since this tour is called Road Rage, does beer, wine, whiskey or none of the above do it for you guys?
Shane Clark: Um, mix wine with beer, uh, there’s some limerick you could
say … (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Shane Clark: No, everything but the wine. Beer, weed and whiskey’s an excellent combo! Even just whiskey by itself.
Justin Hegberg: I wouldn’t say no to any of those, really.
Shane Clark: I’ll drink red wine.
Justin Hegberg: Yeah.
Shane Clark: Even though your mouth gets all purple.
Justin Hegberg: You could get grape ... But yeah, beer seems to be pretty much a daily ritual for us.
Shane Clark: Oh! You know what? I think I mixed beer with wine in Colorado Springs and
got kicked off Metal Church’s bus!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Shane Clark: I barfed twice at least. Not a very good combo, a little bit of crazy-used combo! What do you think, Justin?
RoughEdge.com: You must’ve had Cold Duck … ugh!
Justin Hegberg: I concur. You were … I remember that night. That was awesome.
Shane Clark: It was a fun time up until a point.
RoughEdge.com: Sounds like a train wreck.
Shane Clark: Yeah.
Corey Beaulieu: Beer and whiskey definitely is a daily drink. I never drink wine, though, but definitely drinking beer and whiskey is definitely the evening drink.
RoughEdge.com: The antidote.
Corey Beaulieu: Yes!
Chris Emmons: Whiskey, if possible.
Steven Kaye: I don’t really drink that much.
Chris Emmons: It all works. Pretty much most of us will partake in any of it, but whiskey if possible.
Steven Kaye: I think whiskey’s probably a definite for this band.
Chris Emmons: You actually nailed it, that’s our choice. Any kind.
Steven Kaye: Any whiskey will do!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) Well, I’m a drummer and a shitty one at
that …
Mike Chruch/Jordan Whelan: (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: But I just got my wife a Jasmine acoustic guitar for her birthday. Do you guys still have the first guitars you played and if so, what were they?
Justin Hegberg: I’ll start. My first acoustic guitar was a Samick acoustic and I actually gave it away to a really good friend of mine who went away to Europe. It was a going-away present. My first electric guitar was a Squire Strat that came out when Wayne’s World came out, so it had an actual Wayne’s World logo on the back of the guitar!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Justin Hegberg: It was made … it was like a promo for that movie.
RoughEdge.com: Wow, pretty cool.
Justin Hegberg: So that’d be worth some money now, I don’t know. So that was my first guitar and then I had a really shitty Fender Jaguar and then it was BC Rich for awhile, Ibanez and now I’m using LTDs. They’re fucking awesome guitars.
Shane Clark: My first acoustic is a Samick. I still have it. It’s been around the block a few times, it looks like a campfire guitar. But it still sounds awesome. I play it at least once every couple days still. My first electric guitar was a Peavey T-15, which was one of the first guitars made by CNC Machines, which make planes, armor, guns and shit, but anyway it had an amp built into the case and the first time I got electrocuted was, I took the amp out of the case, had it plugged in and picked it up, but it wasn’t grounded and it flew me across the room with the guitar!
RoughEdge.com: Holy shit!
Justin Hegberg: Back to the Future!
Shane Clark: Back to the Future.
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) You guys have a theme going!
Shane Clark: So that was my first, then Ibanez, tons of Les Paul copies over the years. I’ve gone through lots of Gibsons. My main guitar’s a Gibson SG but I also play LTDs too. So there you go.
Chris Emmons: Oh man, mine was a Strat copy. I still have it. It’s in pieces because I decided I wanted to practice working on guitars with it and I didn’t get very far, so it’s still in pieces in a bag!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: But I have it!
Steven Kaye: Mine was also a Strat copy. I got it when I was in Europe. Actually, my uncle gave it to me when I was visiting them. I never really played on it that much but I don’t have it anymore. I decided I was going to work on it and I fucked it all up, so it’s gone now.
Corey Beaulieu: The original guitar I got was an Epiphone Les Paul and I never really liked it so I ended up selling it so I could get another guitar. So that guitar I got, which was an Ibanez, I still have it today. There’s only one guitar I’ve ever gotten rid of in my life; every other guitar I’ve owned I still have.
Jordan Whelan: I started off playing bass and in this case, yes, I still have my bass. It’s a Fender Squire. I bought it off of my brother for like a hundred bucks. Piece of crap, it’s a junky bass. My first guitar though was a Fender Stratocaster.
RoughEdge.com: Right on.
Jordan Whelan: And unfortunately I sold it because when I was what, 14? The only way for me to buy new gear was to save a hundred bucks and sell my old gear.
RoughEdge.com: Mmm hmm. I feel you, I had to sell my original kit back in college.
Mike Church/Jordan Whelan: Ugh!
RoughEdge.com: That was my life then, so be it. It’s all good now.
Jordan Whelan: I really wish I’d kept it. I realize now what it really means, but yeah, it’s gone! (laughs)
Mike Church: (laughs) My original electric was a Lotus. Have you ever heard of a Lotus? It’s like a starter guitar. It’s like the Fisher Price of guitars!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Mike Church: Or a Wal Mart guitar.
Jordan Whelan: (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: Oh no, the Wal Mart guitar! (laughs)
Mike Church: And what happened was, I was in an old band driving down the highway and we had it strapped to the
roof …
Jordan Whelan: This is hilarious.
Mike Church: With plastic bags because it was going to rain and there’s two bands crushed into this
minivan …
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Mike Church: Because our vehicle had broken down
RoughEdge.com: A two-for-one question answer!
Mike Church: So needless to say there were a couple of clunking noises up top and you look back and there’s guitars flying across the highway!
RoughEdge.com: Shit! (laughs)
Mike Church: So I run and grab my guitar and the only thing cracked on it is the neck.
RoughEdge.com: Really?
Mike Church: Yeah, the actual guitar itself was preserved, amazingly enough!
RoughEdge.com: Wow, man. You don’t see that happen every day! Last question. Mosh pits: Skanking or traditional whirpool?
Shane Clark: I personally like the whirlpool.
RoughEdge.com: Amen.
Shane Clark: Because my first experience with that was when I was 13, I saw Slayer for
"Seasons of the Abyss" …
RoughEdge.com: Nice, man.
Shane Clark: And that was easily the most insane pit I’ve seen to this day. I still haven’t seen anything that crazy since, so that just brings back lots of memories. That’s a real metal pit, you know? All the other dancing’s cool too, but that’s my first initial memory I can relate to.
Justin Hegberg: Yeah, the whirlpool circle pit is
my … if I had to choose one mosh it would be that, but I’m not going to say “Hey stop picking up change!” or whatever the dude wants to do.
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Shane Clark: Do what you want.
Justin Hegberg: Yeah, they can do whatever the hell they want, man. It’s their sport; they can do whatever the hell they want.
Shane Clark: Get out your aggression in your own way.
Justin Hegberg: Yeah.
RoughEdge.com: As long as you’re tripping off the music.
Justin Hegberg: That’s right.
Shane Clark: Yeah.
Corey Beaulieu: I like the old school style. I like circle pits and I like the regular moshing, pushing and just running around and stuff. I don’t really like the kung-fu stuff, of
course …
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Corey Beaulieu: It’s kind of ridiculous, just kicking around and flailing your arms, doing cartwheels and stuff. It’s not really a slam. We’re a metal band, so circle pits, or not even circle
pits … we don’t have to have a pit, we like it when people just bang their heads. It’s all good.
RoughEdge.com: Cool, man.
Chris Emmons: It’s hard to say. Whatever, as long as
people …
Steven Kaye: Yeah, as long as they’re moving, man!
Chris Emmons: Any movement’s cool! Almost to the point even when fights are okay because that means they were moving before they got into a fight!
Steven Kaye: (laughs)
RoughEdge.com: (laughs)
Chris Emmons: It’s better than the fuck-you horseshoe thing.
Steven Kaye: Which we hate!
Chris Emmons: Yeah, I’m down with any kind of movement.
Steven Kaye: Yeah, any movement is amazing!
RoughEdge.com: (laughs) Guys, thanks a mil for all of your time, this has been real! Have a good show.
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Revised: 06 Oct 2019 11:48:48 -0400.