Volume Dealer" Returns -
An Interview with Woody Weatherman of
Interview by Kate Smith - December 2000
CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, who are at least as well known by their nickname, C.O.C., were founded in North Carolina in the early 1980s. The band garnered almost instant attention for their heavy, hard sound, their intelligent, sometimes political lyrics and the uniqueness of their songwriting.
first album, "Eye for an Eye," featured Woody Weatherman on guitar,
Reed Mullin on drums, Eric Eycke on vocals and Mike Dean on bass. The band then
underwent a number of personnel changes, eventually solidifying a line-up that
included Weatherman, Mullin, Pepper Keenan, Phil Swisher and vocalist Karl
Agell. Their 1991 CD, "Blind" garnered the band newfound respect and
last previous release, "Wiseblood," in 1996, was met with still more
critical acclaim and commercial success. However, the band seemed to fade from
the limelight until earlier this year when their latest CD, "America's
Volume Dealer," hit stores and the band toured with the 800 pound gorilla
known as Metallica. With rave reviews abounding and the Metallica tour an utter
success, it seems that C.O.C. is about to continue their successful ways.
Rough Edge caught up with founding member Woody Weatherman who told us about the history of the band, the band's inspiration and what the future holds for Corrosion of Conformity.
Edge: How do you think you guys have progressed from "Blind" and "Deliverance" to
"America's Volume Dealer"? It's a great album, one of my favorites.
Woody Weatherman: Oh cool, thanks. Ya know, they're all so fuckin' so different. It's like we try to do something new every time around, switch it up a little bit. We're not trying to freak anybody out or anything but trying to make it a little more challenging for ourselves. It's tough for a band like us to tackle a song like "Stare Too Long." Everybody says our record is so different from the other records but it all kind of fits together.
Rough Edge: Do you think the band progresses as a whole or not at all?
WW: You always try to improve a little bit but I'm pretty much into the same kind of shit that I was into when I was a kid. I listen to the same fuckin' music. We figure we've kinda got our own sound so we don't even look outside the band for influences.
Rough Edge: What were some of your influences growing up?
WW: Oh man, some of the classic stuff. Black Flag, I was a ZZ Top freak, Black Sabbath freak. Trippin' out on Queen.
Rough Edge: Why did you switch from Columbia Records to Sanctuary Records?
WW: We did the "Wiseblood" album, toured like hell. Toured with Metallica and did some stuff on our own. Columbia didn't really catch on so when the tour was over we approached one of the guys at Columbia and told him that the label really didn't know where we were coming from at this point so we wanted to leave.
Rough Edge: And they were cool about it?
WW: Well, originally they wanted us to do another album and see what happens. The guy who originally had signed us had left so they agreed to let us go and were actually extra cool about it. They let us split, scott-free. Which is rare.
Rough Edge: Yeah, a lot of labels don't do that.
WW: Hell, they could've tossed us in the gutter so I gotta give them extra props on that.
Rough Edge: What's the reception been like since the album and playing live?
WW: Smokin'. This tour's been doing pretty good. Especially, after taking that hiatus. I was wondering how many people would still be around and remember us but it's been really good.
Rough Edge: How does it feel headlining the tour?
WW: Actually, on this tour us and Clutch are flip-flopping. Some cities we close, some cities they close. But we've done lots of headlining tours before.
Rough Edge: Can you give a brief history of the band?
WW: Well, Reed and I went to high school together. I bought a guitar and he bought a drumset and just started jammin'. Next thing you know, Mike Dean rolls in on bass and we had a band. It was that fast. We were only playing two chord punk rock songs but we just threw it together and started jamming and we're still here!
Rough Edge: Hey, not a lot of bands make it this far. That's pretty awesome.
WW: I know man, it doesn't seem that long. I don't feel that old (laughs).
Rough Edge: What's the update on Reed's back?
WW: I just talked to him the day before yesterday. He had this thing done where they stuck needles all through the front of his throat, down his spine and back. They're some kind of steroids. He said it was something out of the X-Files, being abducted by aliens. At this point, he just wants it cleared up. They told him it was some serious arthritis, actually. He had broken his back years ago and it healed improperly. The doctors gave the usual lecture that he shouldn't be playing on tour just to cover their own ass. So who knows what's going to happen with that. If all goes well, he'll be on the second leg of the tour with us in January.
Rough Edge: What are some future plans for the band?
WW: Just tour like motherfuckers for another nine or ten months, seeing how it goes and then get back into the studio.
Rough Edge: Record another album?
WW: Yeah, we're not gonna wait another three years like we did before.
Rough Edge: Any words for your fans?
WW: Man, just appreciate any fuckers that hung around and still enjoy us over the years. How cool is that? People still want to see us play.
Rough Edge: Well, you're a band worth seeing.
WW: That's cool, man, thanks.
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