"Voodoo Violince" (Guitar
Recordings; 1991)
Reviewed by Snidermann
It was the early 90s, and I was listening to Mark Wood's "Voodoo Violince" (on cassette tape of all things!) with a co-worker. We listened to the magic that Wood released when playing his "heavy metal violin" and my co-worker, a guitarist, turned to me and said that he could only dream to achieve that tonal quality of Wood's violin. As we listened to that shitty little cassette, we couldn't believe the music we were hearing. My co-worker went on to call Wood's work "admirable" which, coming from him, was truly great praise.
Mark Wood was at the top of his game in 1991 with this, his debut recording. The very first time I listened to Wood play the electric violin, I thought it was a match made in rock'n'roll heaven. Rock'n'Roll music combined with an electric violin is like peanut butter and jelly, pretzels and beer, beer and football ... you get the gist. And of course you get a heavy does of classical music mixed in there and that just makes it better.
Simply outstanding. Wood went on to play with the
Trans-Siberian Orchestra, write the music for commercials and movies, rock
symphonies, and has ten albums under his belt. Well, eleven if you count the one
promised in 2021.
For more information visit
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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