"Capitol Hell"
(Regurgiation Records; 2020)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Regular readers (all three of you) know that I'm a music fan who doesn't really care for politics in music. I want music to be fun, to take me away from the horrors of reality. I don't like to be hit over the head with it.
So, when I saw the awesome cover art for Throw the Goat's "Capitol Hell," I had to wonder what I was in for.
As I cautiously listened to this CD, I found myself pleasantly surprised. Sure, there's some political stuff on "Capitol Hell," like "Don't Believe" and the raging "I Want to Be Seditious." How can there not be with a album title like that? But most of the tracks aren't political at all but rather explosively emotional rockers with surprising depth. Topics touched on are bad relationships, self-loathing and knowing your worth (in a song entitled, strangely enough, "Know Your Worth"). There's even one bizarre track thrown in, apparently, just for fun: "Hot Truck Whisky" starts out sounding like the soundtrack to an old Clint Eastwood western and eventually transforms into a balls-out Black Sabbath-y metal instrumental. It ends a little too suddenly but it's certainly worth the just under two minutes ride.
Most of the tracks here are full speed punk songs with a thrash beat; however, a few stand out : The aforementioned "Know your Worth" struts along at a relatively slower pace while "Lecherous" brings to mind modern Alice Cooper (especially with Brian "Puke" Parnell's vocals). The final track is the most different of all, a nearly four minute rendition of Maya Angelou's "On the Pulse of Morning" backed by ukulele. It's the perfect end to an album that wants you to think about real stuff.
Throw The Goat's "Capitol Hell" is an album that will appeal to any fan of punk/thrash/metal looking for something a little more intelligent than Satan worshipping, partying all night and fucking all day. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Throw the Goat: Brian “Puke” Parnell - Lead vocals and guitar; Derek Wade Timmons - bass and vocals; Troy Anthony Whitford - drums and percussion/vocals.
For more information visit
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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