"Beyond the Veil" (M&O Music; 2023)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

"Beyond the Veil" from Suicide Puppets is one hella heavy release. Which you might find surprising if you've read reviews other than here on (which, of course, you should, as long as you always come back here). This is my first time hearing the band, however, and I was impressed by the depth and heaviness of their sound, and I liked the symphonic backup which others found distracting and "lighter" than the band's previous releases.

That's the best thing about coming into Suicide Puppets blind. I loved the heavy crunch of "Beyond the Veil," especially on tracks like "Everyday," with its waves of sound and drive. And I wasn't distracted by the "lighter" sound or the industrial tinge. In fact, I embraced it, and enjoyed listening to all five tracks here, all of which deal with death and murder.

Maybe I'll go back to the band's earlier stuff and like it better but, I gotta tell you, I liked what I heard on "Beyond the Veil." It's crushingly heavy, with a bulldozer drive and aggressive vocals that fit like the proverbial "T."

Suicide Puppets: Twisty Suicide – Vocals; Jonny Suicide – Bass; Steven Suicide – Lead guitar; Donnie Von Gailinger – Rhythm guitar; Veritas Suicide – Drums; Frank Dormani – Orchestration.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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