"All of Us Are Strange: The
(Squint/Curb Records/WB; 2003)
Reviewed by Snidermann
A brand name is everything when it comes to presentation and packaging. Be it clothing, food, automobiles, shoes, or, of course music.
The name of this band is Strangely Alright and they fit squarely into that name. If you go to their web site (, the first line of their bio states "Strangely Alright are sonic time-travelers" ... whatever in the hell that means. They blend rock, pop, blues, 60s/70s style music and then they add their own flare to make a truly unique sound.
As near as I can figure, Strangely Alright took everything they learned from the music that inspired them. They thought about it, wrote some words, sat down and jammed and came up with some music package and delivered some great, down-to-earth rock'n'roll. This is not your garden variety rock music. What you get here is a cannibalized hybrid, an off shoot, a slightly (or more) twisted version of (but very entertaining) indie rock music.
Strangely Alright are the diabolical brain child of self-proclaimed "ringmaster" Regan Lane and his band of merry performers that amalgamate into a truly unique musical experience.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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