"Strength & Conditioning" (Self-produced; 2014)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

Mike SOS puts the "rough" in Rough Edge ... literally. This is the latest disc from SOS and it leans towards the heavy rev. It's also got some great guitar via the riffs and funky cuts such as "Low Road." The solos on "Strength & Conditioning" are saltier than a basket full of bar pretzels. Since SOS pulls influences from punk, soul and hardcore you'll get plenty of variety to keep you rockin'.

Fourteen tracks of superb music and punk tracks that will cause your snotty nose to run. SOS know how to get you up and movin' and they don't skimp on the grit; in fact, they lay it on extra thick. They even have an instrumental on this disc. I can hear it being used to get the band ready while the gathered crowd jumps up with the track that follows: "Whiskey Beard." I'm not privy to the set list but this is a great one-two punch.

The track "Deadbeat" is grungy and has a devil-lipped riff. It's also got a punk flavor injected in and is by far the nastiest track on this disc. "Cheap Heat" has a stoner vibe to start the disc and then a hardcore/punk sound kicks your face ugly. The last track "Good to Go" is another instrumental that plays out the disc with some great guitar. Without question, SOS have done it again and will keep doing it until NYC submits to their sound.

For more info -

"Adult Situations" (Self-produced; 2009)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

There's so much involved in SOS's "Adult Situations" that I really don't know where to begin. This is a CD that's got a little bit of everything, from Motorhead's locomotive speed to the Ramones punk rock attitude to the daring styles of bands like Black Flag and the Melvins.

Despite that plethora of influences and/or emulations, however, SOS still manages to create their own unique sound. More than an amalgam of the above-mentioned bands, "Adult Situations" is a confident collection of tunes that sometimes come close to the "alternative" side of things but never really crosses over into that murky underworld.

Although some of the songs slow down for a break, for the most part "Adult Situations" races along at a pretty breakneck pace. It's not thrash metal (although sometimes it may come close), but it's rock'n'roll that isn't afraid to roll. The vocals are, again, strong and confident and the band is tight and unafraid to let whichever musician should shine at any particular moment be the one to shine.

The CD is just different enough that some may find it a little difficult to get into at first. Trust me, the added effort is worth it.  If the hooks of songs like "Frames" don't grab you at the first, they will after limited repeat listenings. And then, just try to get those songs out of your head.

"Adults Situations" is an impressive collection from a veteran band that is unafraid of doing things the way they think they should be done.

For more information, check out

"A Guide to Better Living" (Self-produced; 2005)

Reviewed by Jeff Rogers

Mike SOS's musical reviews pepper the pages of Rough Edge, but he's also a guy who lives what he writes about. Mike's band, SOS, cranks out the stuff that your ears were made for: rock'n'roll! Spreading his message up and down the east coast via College Point, New York and then sending the World Wide Web west to grab as many listeners possible is what it's all about.

This is the third release from SOS. There are sixteen tracks and you get many different styles of music such as punk, funk, metal and straight forward rock. After listening to this disc you can tell what kind of music SOS is into. Read some of Mike's reviews and then you'll be tuned into bands that these guys also like.

The guitar is great! Riffs that leave mental marks and when the guitar player solos you can feel the burn. The drums pound away, the lyrics are poetically awesome as well. Their sound is tough and tight. SOS also has enough confidence to slow things down, the track "Killing Time" is an acoustic instrumental, and well played. The song "Venice" has some cool accordion music to start the track but then things kick into high gear to finish out the song. The fret work on "Amputee" moves from one style of music to another seamlessly. It’s an excellent way to finish the disc.

MP3 these: "Star Killers," "Slut," "Dead Before Noon" and "Can't Stop."

For more information, check out

"A Guide to Better Living" (Self-produced; 2005)

Reviewed by Snidermann

"A Guide To Better Living" is a strange mixture of rock, punk and some other indefinable types of music, plus some killer lyrics, all of which makes this release fun and easy to listen to. 

The music has a mature aspect that sets it above some of the newer acts we see out there today. But, still, the band has fun and it shows, making it that much more enjoyable for the listener. SOS has "it," whatever "it" is, and their music is vibrant, lively and a little more sophisticated. 

I reviewed the band's previous CD back in 2002. I liked them then and I like even better now. Sometimes the music slows and tends to drag a bit, but it does not detract from the overall coolness of the project.

SOS: Mike SOS (btw, this is the same Mike SOS who writes reviews for this website), Adam SOS, MKJackson, P.A. Harrison. 

Check them out on the web at for more info. 

"Adios Bandito" (Self-produced; 2001)

Reviewed by Snidermann

From the very first track of this colossal, 19 track/64 minute CD, you know you're in the presence of a band that has been kicking ass for a long time and really knows how to rock. 

Having toured the New York City underground metal scene since 1996, SOS is one killer band. The music is a mixture of metal, punk and straight-forward rock'n'roll. I'm telling you, from the very first chord, SOS rocks with an incredible amount of energy that is totally cool and 100% infectious.

All 19 tracks on this CD just keep coming and coming at you with no end in site. I was literally breathless when this CD finished playing. I thought I'd better take a nap immediately thereafter, to regain my energy. But I couldn't wait and, instead, played this bitchin' CD again.

Check these guys out at I think you'll be glad you did.

"The Mob and the Limo Love Scam" (Self-produced; 1999)

Reviewed by Jeff Rogers

Just the title of this disc alone is cool but when you add music that's quick, full of wit and done with "'tude" then you've got the SOS disc that started it all.

Sounding mostly like polished demos, due to the abrupt ending of some songs, each track has a groove all its own. Metal and punk seem to alternate between tracks so the sound doesn't get predictable.

The guitar has some meaty riffs and you can hear those chords being muted for an added nasty effect. You also get some background guitar on a few songs and that allows the vocals to take center stage. When a solo does break out, it's to the point; no flash, just good solid playing. Some of the songs on this disc could be geared up and extended while others stand pure ten plus years later.

With this disc of plenty you get fourteen songs that have great guitar that leans toward solid rock and Mike's vocals that are tough but clean. It’s a great disc to cruise with when the road is open and you've got a steering wheel guitar fetish.

You can check out more at

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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