"The Final Sign
of Evil" (SPV / Steamhammer; 2007)
Reviewed by Mike SOS
Ah, the lengths some will go to for that authentic old school feel. Take Sodom, the groundbreaking German metal act whose undeniable influence has been in the forefront of the thrash and black metal movements. "The Final Sign of Evil," the band's latest recording affair, not only finds the band reconvening with the original 1984 lineup, but also blowing the dust off of their original recordings and re-recording them, even going so far as to add seven unrecorded bonus tracks from that time period.
Acting as a cleaning out of the closet as well as a celebration of their longevity, this 12-track disc is busting at the seams with the charmingly lo-fi mix of the incessant drums, demonic rasps and growls, and flurries of guitar introduced back in the day by this band some 20-plus years ago.
Here's to another 20, metal soldiers!
For more information, check out
Night in Bangkok" (SPV / Steamhammer; 2003)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
"One Night in Bangkok" is Sodom's third live album, which should tell you a little about the lasting power of this band (their first was in 1988, their second in 1994). Anything else you want to know about them, you can find out from this powerfully dynamic double live CD, containing hits from the band's early era ("Sodmized," "Remember The Fallen," "Masquerade In Blood," "Agent Orange," "Sodomy & Lust," "Code Red") to newer material ("The Enemy Inside," "Napalm in the Morning.") Add to that mix a couple of raging covers (The Dead Kennedys' "Fuck the Police" and Motorhead's "Ace of Spades") and you've got a tremendous collection of thrash / metal tunage.
Throughout the double disc set, Sodom never let up, giving each track a fiery charisma that detonates from your stereo like an atomic explosion that lasts just over a hundred minutes. It's truly amazing that the band never flags, especially when one considers the tempo and pace of most of their songs.
The production is stellar - crisp, clear and solid - which is ironic, when you consider the liner notes and their story of how the band had to make do with whatever less than state-of-the-art equipment they could find after much of their equipment didn't get past customs. It's a CD that sounds live but never sounds less than professionally recorded. In other words, it doesn't sound anything like a bootleg.
Also included is a live video track of the band performing "Among the Weirdcong."
If you've never heard Sodom, this is a great place to start. My hunch is that "One Night in Bangkok" will lead the listener to further interest in the band - and that's not a bad thing.
For more information, check out
Red" (Pavement; 1999)
Reviewed by Spudbeast
After listening to Sodom's "One Night in Bangkok," I became interested in this band and decided to check out their back catalog. I'm very glad I did. "Code Red" is everything I had anticipated from the band.
Going from a slow, eerie introduction straight into heavy, very fast territory, the title song had me hooked by the very first chorus. "Code Red" was followed by the equally energetic "What Hell Can Create." And so it went throughout the rest of the CD. Sodom never slowed too far down, always keeping you pumped for the next song.
The stand-out tracks included the very catchy "Tombstone," "Cowardice" and the very thrashy "Addicted to Abstinence."
I highly suggest Sodom's "Code Red" on your next trip to the CD store, especially if you're a fan of Slayer, Kreator or any high-quality thrash.
Sodom: Tom Angelripper - bass and vocals; Bobby - drums/percussion; Benemann - guitar.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2008 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
Revised: 16 Dec 2024 12:46:34 -0500.