98" (Self-produced)
"Isolation" (D.I.S. Records)
Reviewed by Snidermann
This San Luis Obispo, California based band is one of the freshest, hottest bands I have heard from in quite some time. Their hard driving rock/rap infusion is totally awesome and astoundingly radical. Snubnose 32 uses hardcore metal, screaming vocals and outrageous lyrics to make an absolutely electrifying musical experience.
Sadly, I wonder if perhaps this band has called it quits. When I tried to visit their website earlier (at I got an error message. Maybe their server was just down. I certainly hope so. Snubnose32 is a one-of-a-kind band and I'd love to them live!
Snubnose 32: Mark Hartz - drums; Ryan Scheiebwert - guitar; Mike Mclaughlin - bass; Jeremy D'ambrosio - vocals.
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Snubnose 32 is made up of the remains of MOMENT OF TRUTH, with former M.O.T. members Jeremy D' Ambrosio and Ryan Schweibert hooking up with Mark Hartz and Mike McLaughlin in the latter part of 1997. The band claims to have picked up where M.O.T. left off.
Snubnose 32 is Intense hardcore with an anger behind it that will drive any live audience into a fist-pumping frenzy. This demo is all about frustration and rage. It delivers crushing, fast-paced rock'n'roll that isn't all roaring guitars and screaming vocals (although most of it is) but something more. It also features some daring breaks that foray into jazz and death metal yet never veers too far away from the band's own signature sound. Our favorite track: "Mixed."
Personnel: Jeremy D'Ambrosio, vocals; Ryan Schweibert, guitar; Mark Hartz, drums; Mike McLaughlin, bass.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This
record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it
will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the
cover makes you wanna hurl.
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Revised: 01 Dec 2019 12:47:29 -0500