Reviewed by Snidermann
A fresh new sound is the lifeblood of any kind of music. It takes a lot of guts because - if you're different - it's harder than ever to sell your sound to the one-dimensional record companies out there.
SkinKrawl's latest demo has real balls. The band's sound is fresh and different and they don't sell out for a moment to impress anyone. This 3-track release sounds like the band put their heart and soul into it and, just as importantly, it rocks.
SkinKrawl really does have talent - they're a bit rough around the edges but, as you may guess, we kind of like that rough edge around here. The music is hard and heavy with plenty of very surprisingly strong melody and a shitload of screaming, attitude and spunk. My only complaint about this CD is that I wish I had more than three cuts to review.
SkinKrawl's new demo rates an easy three chainsaw rating and I strongly believe that if this were a full-length release, it would score even better.
For more information, check out
"Power Rock"
(Self-produced; 2000)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
This CD's title pretty much sums up the band's sound.
SkinKrawl's CD features nine songs that are as raw and as rough as they should be. This is garage rock at its best: chunky, simple and - dare we say it again? - rough as hell. The inspirations here run the gamut from Alice Cooper to Iron Maiden to Black Sabbath to The Doors. SkinKrawl sounds to us like the type of band that formed because no on else was playing the type of music they wanted to hear.
Personnel: Greg Huntington, vocals; David Tuten, bass/guitar; Chris Anderson, guitar/bass; Dana Scaglion, drums. Special appearances by Billy Sargent, Guitar; Mike Simpson, bass.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2004 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
Revised: 16 Dec 2024 12:46:34 -0500.