"The Dividing
Line" (Earache; 2008)
Reviewed by Mike SOS
Liverpool, UK quartet SSS (Short Sharp Shock) provide an expedient excursion to relentlessly bang your head to in the form of the 20-track "The Dividing Line."
This crossover crew's dead-on thrash metal acumen and authentic skate punk methods would make both Suicidal Tendencies and Destruction proud ("Toxic Bee,” "Purple Reign"). Displaying a unit at the top of their game, SSS gleefully barrels through track after track of lean and mean take no prisoners brutality with a self-induced panic-stricken mania and seething anger leading the charge ("Invertebrate," "Sk8 + Destroy").
Fortifying the frontlines of the recent thrash resurgence with an endless barrage of infectious choruses played at breakneck speed, this brazen affair masterfully combines the devastating brevity of SOD, DRI, and Municipal Waste and is essential for those who love to live in the fast lane.
For more information, check out
"Short Sharp
Shock" (Earache; 2007)
Reviewed by Snidermann
Short Sharp Shock and their self-titled release, "SSS" (and, actually, those are my initials) is an in-your-face metal fest that had me gasping for breath after just a few cuts.
This music is rough, raw and perfect for Rough Edge readers. Right from the beginning, "SSS" takes no prisoners. The band brutalizes the listener and my fucking ears were bleeding by the time it was over. But I had enjoyed it so much I just shook my head and strapped on for another blistering ride.
I mean this shit is for real! Not for the weak of heart, but for any Rough Edge fan who likes their metal scorching, Short Sharp Shock is right up your alley.
What a fucking ferocious experience! I have to take a break, rest my ears, take some fluids, make sure my life insurance policy is up to date and check out "SSS some more!
For more information, check out
"Short Sharp
Shock" (Earache; 2007)
Reviewed by Spudbeast
Earache’s marketing exec must have had a lot of balls to put a tag on Short Sharp Shock's self-titled album that claims they are a mix of “DRI, SOD and early Metallica.” He also must have had one hell of an ear, because SSS does not disappoint.
Staring with a short little instrumental, "SSS" explodes into a metal riff/punk rhythm style thrash that does all it can to get you pumping your fist. The opening track, “Warhorse,” is thick with riffage, and the SOD influence is very prominent. In fact, SSS seems to draw influence from the entire thrash lot, with the Muistaine-esque riff of “The Answer is Never” to the Testament-like style of “The Beast.”
While not reinventing the genre, SSS truly delivers solid, vicious and untamed thrash that will leave fans of
the genre eagerly waiting for the follow up.
Take Alex Skolinik, Billy Milano and Cliff Burton and you'd be close to what
this album delivers.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2009 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
16 Dec 2024 12:46:36 -0500.