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"Romeo Delite" (Self-produced)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

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Romeo Delite pride themselves on the fact that they come from the MOTLEY CRUE / KISS / GUNS N'ROSES school. Instead of turning away from their influences - like so many others have done before them - Romeo Delite embrace their inspirations and go on to deliver a rock'n'roll album that's pure 80s metal with a dynamic new millennium attitude.

There's more glam here than the previous comparisons may indicate but that's not a bad thing. If anything, that additional attitude gives Romeo Delite a stronger, more confident sound than any modern glam metal band I've heard. Rockers like "Shot of Love" (which brings to mind the slicker years of Motley Crue) and "Touch You" (which could have been written specifically for and sung by "Dynasty"-era Gene Simmons) are the CD's high points, along with the other more charismatic tunes. The obligatory "ballads" are slower and cornier, of course, and that particular style seems to have worn out its welcome long ago.

In addition, the production is stellar, especially for a self-produced release. It's a crisp, perfectly balanced recording that will impress you with its creative, thinking-outside-of-the-box style.

If there's any full-blown complaint about this CD, it's that there's only eight songs with a total running time of just over 33 minutes. I'm ready to hear more Romeo Delite now!

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Rating Guide:

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) A classic. This record will kick your ass.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) So-so. You've heard better.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

restinks.jpg (954 bytes) Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 22 Jul 2024 12:30:29 -0400.