"Sanctify" (Self-produced; 2000)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

Rebel's Mother is like beer - no one really likes it the first time they try it. You have to keep going back for more until you acquire a taste for it. 

As the opening strains of "Dance of the Dead" began unfolding and that death metal growl that permeates too much really heavy metal these days boiled from the speakers, I thought again about how tired I am of death metal vocals that are really nothing more than Neanderthal roars. I waited for frantic tempo to begin, for the guitars to start playing so fast that you couldn't tell where one bar ended and the other began. I waited for the lyrics about Satan, blood-spilling, and open sores. And I thought again about why In Flames is so good.

But then Rebel's Mother surprised me. The vocals evened out, became (gasp!) singing, and the guitars, bass and drums melded together and made sense. And it dawned on me - Rebel's Mother isn't bad at all. They're unique. And they're pretty damn good.

Too few bands these days play music that is instantly recognizable as their trademark. Pink Floyd used to be that way. Motorhead is still that way. Slipknot may very well become that way. Rebel's Mother is that way, too. 

The band's songwriting is very consistent. The songs are uniquely paced, intelligently lyricked and passionately performed. They sound as though they were written to be performed live.

There are some real surprises here. The piano crescendos gripping percussion on "Shipwrecked" make the song an epic piece. The title song is another stunner, with rolling keyboards, thought-provoking lyrics and outstanding vocal work. "Fatherless" is an Iron Maiden-like cry of real emotional pain. And "Night" is a 9+ minute monster that sounds like it belongs in some somber  heavy metal musical - it's a powerful, somber and complex tune.

Rebel's Mother may just be one of those bands that steps forward in the genre of hard rock / heavy metal and presents something that's familiar and new at the same time.

And those are the kind of bands that shine.

REBEL'S MOTHER is Jeremy Brown - guitar and vocals; Melanie Jamias - drums; Chris Alis - guitar, keys and vocals; John Bishop - bass; Al Brown - percussion.

"The Dark Unknown" (Salvation Music)

Reviewed by Snidermann

If you like your metal simple, loud, dark, intelligent and raw, Rebel's Mother is right up your alley with "The Dark Unknown." This hard driving trio rocks with the electric intensity of early Metallica and a dark/death/destruction overtone that is altogether interesting and provocative. 

"The Dark Unknown" is 11 tracks and 57 minutes of pure, head bangin' metal music that is good for the soul anytime, anywhere. This recording kicks some serious heavy metal ass with a vengeance. Buy it! Listen to it! Tell me if I'm wrong! I don't think so.

Rebel's Mother is Jeremy Brown, guitar vocals; Chris Alis, guitar, vocals; Melanie Jamias, drums.

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 22 Jul 2024 12:30:29 -0400.