"Good Mood" (Self-produced;
Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter
Armando Petrini is another instrumental guitarist in a long line of folks who'd rather let their guitar do the 'walking and talking.' As always, it is a pleasure to hear an unknown instrumentalist attempt to impress me.
Two very Joe Satriani-esque surfing guitar instrumentals start off the disc. The rest of the CD shows more of Petrini's personality and style without completely abandoning the Southern California sound or style.
The 'surfing' songs, while a bit derivative of the style that Joe Satriani has made famous, are energetic rockers that will put you ... well, a good mood. "Good Mood" is a composite of everything that makes Joe Satriani so likeable. "On The Run Again" actually sounds like it wouldn't be out of place on the classic "Surfing With The Alien" album, especially with its propulsive bass line.
The other six songs are pleasing to the ear if not exactly ground-breaking or awe-inspiring; most touch on the Southern California guitar sound and sometimes borrow liberally from other giants of the instrumental genre. "Flowers For Phrygian" is a neat little ballad that shows off Petrini's Southern California-styled chops and tasty sense of mood. "Relax" is a gem of a number which features acoustic guitar before breaking into an emotive electric lead. From the title alone "Just Me And You" sounds like another ballad, but it is more like a joyful romp through fields of wildflowers bathed in glorious sunlight. "Lethal Weapon" brings out a rock'n'roll vibe while "Out Of The Darkness" and "A Beautiful Day" evoke scenes of the emerging spirit from troubled times.
Despite my constant references to the Southern
California instrumental guitar sound it must be said that no one can fake a good
melody or a catchy riff. Petrini supplies melodies and riffs in a solid,
enjoyable manner. "Good Mood" is an upbeat affair that is sure to give
your spirits a lift.
"Good Mood" was produced, recorded, arranged, and written by Armando
For more information, check out http://digilander.libero.it/armando.petrini.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2004 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights reserved.