(Pulverised Records; 2005)
Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter
Punk metal from Singapore! I’ll bet you’ve never read something like that on the Rough Edge pages before.
When I first heard “Zombified” blasting through my headphones I thought “here’s a punk band inspired by Motorhead.” But there are some very “metal” moments with energetic heavy metal riffing contrasting with the band’s speedy punk-like rhythms. Opposition Party also share a lot in common with Entombed’s death ‘n’ roll style in the sense that music from many genres are blended into the punk/hardcore base into a cohesive whole.
Opposition Party are not newcomers to the scene – these guys have been around since 1987 with a discography that indicates a band that is constantly writing, recording, and touring. To call them veterans seems appropriate as they play with conviction and a sheer intensity that often only comes with years and years of experience.
“Zombified” blazes by with 11 tracks in less than 28 minutes. With “Zombified” Opposition Party has clearly indicated their penchant for the speedy punk aesthetic. “Zombified” isn’t really my cup of tea, but Opposition Party seems to do the metallic punk/hardcore style quite well.
Opposition Party: Francis Frightful on vocals and guitar, Lee on guitar, and , Kazz on bass. Alfe is the session drummer.
For more information visit http://www.oppositionparty.net.
(Pulverised Records; 2005)
Reviewed by Snidermann
Playing fast music has been a trademark of heavy music for decades. Punk rock is usually played at a fast pace and metal bands like Motorhead and Zeke use their speed very effectively.
On "Zombified," Opposition Party have taken fast music and made it faster. Sadly, it doesn't improve the music at all. In fact, I found it hard to listen to this CD because, although I know they were speaking English, I was damned if I could understand a single word.
The frenetic music here passed by me in a haze and I got absolutely nothing from it. I truly wanted to understand what Opposition Party were trying to do but their furious, flailing style lost me completely.
Opposition Party: Francis Frightful on vocals and guitar, Lee on guitar, and , Kazz on bass. Alfe is the session drummer.
For more information visit http://www.oppositionparty.net.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2006 by R. Scott Bolton. All
rights reserved.
Revised: 02 Dec 2024 12:03:49 -0500