of the Vintage" (Vegas Records; 2006)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
"Pinks of the Village" is a collection of punk-based songs that feature elements of many others types of rock'n'roll, including metal, classic rock, experimental rock and more. As such, its best feature (versatility) is also its worst enemy (inconsistency).
Each track is strong and each track has its own personality. There's the crunchy stoner vibe of "PCB," the modern punk sound of "Live Under the Sun," the almost Rob Zombie-eque "Days Away," the Ramones-like jauntiness of "The Bouj'" and the driving power of the seemingly humorous entitled "My Wife Is Drunk" (which is actually a quite serious song).
There's a little of everything to be found here: varying music styles, varying tempos, varying ranges of emotion. And it's all surprisingly well-performed and well-produced (especially when the insert claims: "Home recorded by Funky R. and Yves de Roeckl). That's the good news: You'll never be bored listening to this CD.
On the flipside, however, you'll probably never think of "Pinks of the Vintage" as a whole, either. Instead, the project tends to separate itself out into individual tracks and, while that is certainly no great sin, it is a little disconcerting at times.
OpeNightmare: Yoorwell - lead vocals and guitar; Yann - lead guitar and vocals; Xavos de la Vega - bass; PierrO - drums and backin' vocals. Additional musicians: Funky R. - guitar; To Loose Punkers Choir - backin' vocals.
For more information, check out
by a Turbomachine" (Vegas Records; 2003)
Reviewed by Snidermann
From the very first opening chords, I knew there was something special about French rockers OpeNightmare. Raw, gritty, dark and coarse, OpeNightmare is a band you would expect to see at your local talent night - you know the type: these are the cats that play with major talent and heart.
"Sliced by a Turbomachine" is rock'n'roll at its purest - with no bullshit and surely no excuses from the band for their art. OpeNightmare plows ahead and expresses themselves with an explosively addictive style of heavy metal. This band is exceptionally gifted and - with the proper promotion - could (and should) be a major player in the metal industry.
That being said, I've got to get back and give this CD another spin. Check them out!
OpeNightmare: Yves - vocals and guitar; Yann - guitar and vocals; Xavier - bass and vocals; Pierrolivier - drums.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2006 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
Revised: 02 Dec 2024 12:03:48 -0500.