Jesus" (Wind-up; 2002)
Reviewed by Dominic Pierce-Toogood
Believe it or not, I would compare Must to U2. I know what you are thinking: "You're comparing Must to U2?" Well, yes I am. Skip to the track "Rust" and hear it for yourselves, disbelievers!).
Must, a band of international misfits, (an Australian singer, an English drummer and a German bassist), produce a wonderfully genre-defying sound that I dare you to dislike. Beautiful ballads, (singer Dave Ireland goes from Bono-esque whisper to Jon Bon Jovi growl in one stanza), searing melodies and complex blues numbers pepper this masterful debut. Only some churlish lyrics, ("Perverted like a man who has not shagged in years" from the single "Freechild" for instance), and an over simplified "No Way Out" stop this debut from obtaining top marks. Then again, I didn't give U2 top marks for their debut either!).
From the stable that currently house the prize stallion called Creed, it seems that Wind Up Records have another winner on their hands. So go see them live in a small venue now as waiting will only mean you'll be left squinting at the back of a stadium in a few months ... this band have that much potential.
Must: Dave Ireland - vocals, acoustic guitars, piano; Reuben Alexander - acoustic and electric guitars; Kaiser - bass and vocals. Also appearing on "Androgynous Jesus" is Eddie Royce on guitars.
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Jesus" (Wind-up)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
After playing this CD's second track, "Rust," one can't help but wonder if Wind-up Records is in the business of hiring talented sound-alikes to mimic the hugely successful music of others. For example, labelmates Creed have been called Pearl Jam Lite because their sound is so close to that band. "Rust" sounds so much like U2 that that comparison comes immediately to mind.
Thankfully, Must manage to create a sound that is their own. Despite the fact that "Rust" is very, very U2-ish, the rest of the album, thankfully, is not. (Okay, "No Way Out" comes pretty damn close). "One Night Stand" also offers some driving guitars and a sharp chorus. The very next track, in fact, "Very Wicked," is a rousing rocker with an irresistible chorus and crashing guitars. It's the kind of stuff that can get good airplay and yet not embarrass you because you like listening to it.
Must is much more radio-friendly than most hard rock bands, on a par with their labelmates, Creed, so those who like their music heavier and edgier had best stay away. However, those looking for some creative hard rock'n'roll can do worse than with Must.
Must: Dave Ireland - vocals, acoustic guitars, piano; Reuben Alexander - acoustic and electric guitars; Kaiser - bass and vocals. Also appearing on "Androgynous Jesus" is Eddie Royce on guitars.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This
record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it
will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2002 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
20 Mar 2023 19:45:04 -0500.