"Machtklang" (Independent; 2024)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Machtklang's self-titled release will give you goose bumps as you listen. Not only because of its driving, haunting black metal atmosphere, but because—once you realize it's a one-person project (Christina "Herrin" Earlymorn)—you're that much more impressed with the music's success.
There are four full tracks here, plus a couple of shorter instrumental tracks (one, running a very short seventeen seconds) and they are heavy, growling, and often feature a number of interesting sounds, such as Satanic-sounding chants, blood-curdling screams, and echoing vocals, both lead and background. It gives the entire project the feel of an electric black mass and the strong anti-religious sentiment only adds to that impression.
The two instrumental breaks on the EP are a little strange here, but I understand their presence. The first (and first track of the EP) is entitled "Ein Klang," and it's basically a chime, like those you hear prior to a Yoga lesson or maybe one of those people who plays bowls. I do like the way it introduces the album with a little mystery and maybe sets your mind at piece ... for about seventeen seconds, before things get serious. The other instrumental track, "Disonnanz," is another chime-y break, this time running almost two minutes. Its spell is broken as the calming chimes fade away and the ferocious opening vocals of the final track, "Herbsthymne," grab the throat of your soul and pull it clean out of your body.
I can't say this is the kind of album I'll listen often to, but I'm glad it came slithering into my e-mail and I look forward to more of Machtklang in the future.
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Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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