(Prosthetic; 2011)
Reviewed by Mike SOS
Grace Perry and crew return with a precision-driven, sharp and grinding eight-track metal assault entitled "Gallows."
Landmine Marathon doles out an abrasive and seething set of vocals and feature a gallery of corrosive riffs (“Liver and Lungs”) with alternating D-beat and grindcore tempos setting the breakneck pace (“Cloaked in Red”).
The band also maintains intensity the few instances where the tempo slows to a crawl (“Knife From My Sleeve”), exhibiting another side to the crash and burn extreme metal frenzy this Arizona unit has built their memorable hook-making reputation on (“Cutting Flesh and Bone”).
For more information, check out www.landminemarathon.com.
"Sovereign Descent"
(Prosthetic; 2010)
Reviewed by Mike SOS
In their relatively short lifespan, Landmine Marathon have carved out a niche for themselves for both fully embracing the traditional grindcore and old school death metal sentiments of the likes of Carcass and Bolt Thrower as well as unassuming-looking frontwoman Grace Perry’s utterly seething vocal delivery.
On the squad’s latest nine-track offering, "Sovereign Descent," the Arizona quintet manifests increased intervals of both strengths while fortifying their crunch on your cranium with rounds of crushing riffs and non-stop percussive punishment (“Foul Revolt”). Championing a bestial hammer-to-the-face approach that steamrolls through your listening receptacles without a sign of reprieve (“Chained by the Same Fate”), there are little fancy, flashy or overtly technical displays to be had from this act, just a series of nasty rage-driven tunes wound tight and ready to explode once the pin is pulled when play is pressed.
Like a charging rhino, Landmine Marathon is a dangerous entity that has unapologetically created music that will run you over without an afterthought.
For more information, check out www.landminemarathon.com.
(Level Plane; 2006)
Reviewed by Mike SOS
From the ominous and totally devastating opening riff of “25th Hour,” you can feel the Earth shake, and that’s most likely what Arizona’s Landmine Marathon intended.
This quintet juxtapose early ‘90s extreme grind metal with traces of southwestern crust throughout this eight-track sojourn, occasionally turning up the Carcass meets Napalm Death meter on cuts like “Crisscross Thoughts” while displaying epic guitar licks that morph into a full-on musical assault on tracks like “FUBAR.”
Direct and chaotic, chances are if you own any albums from the early day era of Earache Records, you’ll thoroughly enjoy this tumultuous 22-minute tour-de-force.
For more information, check out www.landminemarathon.com.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2012 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
17 Feb 2025 11:17:57 -0500.