"War Machine" (Frontiers
New Media; 2024)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Impellitteri's "War Machine" is a welcome return to classic heavy metal that will cleanse your palette, get your fists in the air and have you banging your head so hard your neck might just snap. It's chock full of chunky riffs, fiery leads, hearty vocals and magnum songwriting/story-telling that grabs you from the first note to the last.
It reminds me a little of classic Dio in places, especially on "Out of Mind (Heavy Metal), and that's no faint praise. And, listen, I know that Chris Impellitteri has been around since the late 80s but, goddamn, it's so great to hear some pure and unfiltered classic metal that I listened to "War Machine" three times through before I even sat down to write this review. It hooked me that hard.
And the obligatory ballad? Yeah, you can kiss that goodbye. "War Machine" is eleven tracks of kick-ass metal that never lets up. It'd probably be wise not to drive when listening to this album because it kind of turns you into a wild heavy metal monster and makes you feel immortal. But you're not. Always remember that.
Is there any point in my telling your how great Chris Impellitteri is? Probably not. If you're here reading this page, you already know. But I will tell you that, once again, his mastery of guitar drives "War Machine" forward with an energy and a power that is mind-blowing. And the rest of the band? Oh, hell, yeah. They know how to rock, too. This is one well-oiled machine.
This is the point in my review where I usually list my favorite tracks. Can't do that here, because I'd want to list all eleven tracks. "War Machine" is that freaking good!
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"Wicked Maiden" (SPV; 2009)
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
I first remember hearing Chris Impellitteri on the
track "Stand In Line" from the disc of the same name. His guitar prowess blew me
away -- faster than the speed of sound and with lighting fast guitar fingers
Chris was crowned as the second fastest shredder of all. He even beat out some
guy named Yngwie and some other guy named Eddie, but I'm sure they've recovered
though. This is the ninth disc from Impelliteri and although they are considered
a "Christian" rock band they are not preachy at all and the lyrics are so well
written you'll hear a positive tone as you listen to Rob Rock belt out the
sounds. Rob has screams a plenty and he hits those high notes with amazing
Each track on "Wicked Maiden" has a metal riff with soaring vocals and a guitar
solo that defies physics. Sounds like my kind of music. This is the stuff
I cut my teeth on and it's good to know that Chris is still burning up his
guitar strings all these years after "Stand In Line", which blasted through in
1988. On the track "Hi-School Revolution" you can hear a nod to EVH on the solo.
Chris plays with fire but he can also lay down a slow burn to show his talent of
melodic soloing. I'm glad I caught back up with Impellitteri and I can't wait
for some new music from this master string blaster.
Impelliteri is: Rob Rock - vocals; Chris Impellitteri - guitar; James Amelio
Pulli - bass; Brandon Wild - drums.
For more information check out
to the Metal" (SPV; 2005)
Reviewed by Snidermann
So I slip Impellitteri's CD, "Pedal to the Metal," into my CD player and what I jolt I got! From the first track to the last, "Pedal to the Metal" is simply incredible.
Guitars thunder through each tune like torpedoes and I wonder why I have never heard to this band. Thanks to the magic of Yahoo! I found some very interesting facts: First, the band is apparently a Christian band. You wouldn't have guessed from listening to this CD. Nothing is shoved down your throat religion-wise. Second, the band has been making music since 1987 ... how the hell did I miss them all these years!
"Pedal to the Metal" does just what its name implies. It slams the pedal to the floor and runs with incredible power and speed throughout. I was blown away by the sheer quality of the music throughout; the force of the guitar is a living thing with this CD. And, not only is the music top notch, the overall songwriting is a thing of beauty.
"Pedal to the Metal" is truly something special. I dare say that what I heard on "Pedal to the Metal" rivals anything I've heard in metal guitar today ... and I'm talking about Steve Vai or Joe Satriani, too. This cat Chris Impellitteri is that good. I don't make that statement lightly and only after careful consideration, but Impellitteri's "Pedal to the Metal" is easily one of the best CD's I've heard this year. What a treat to review this CD!
Impellitteri: Glen Sobel, Curtis Skelton, Chris Impellitteri, James Amelio Pulli.
For more information check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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