Bitches, Blood" (H.O.D.; 2008)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Based on the band's name, as well as the CD's title, you might think that Hospital of Death's "Beer, Bitches, Blood" is just another of those novelty bands, like Green Jelly, that play halfway decent heavy metal with tongue planted firmly in cheek. But this is one instance in which you'd get more than you bargained for.
"Beer, Bitches, Blood" is a ten track collection of some of the most instantly addictive thrash metal I've heard in years. Imagine, if you can, a blend of Helloween, Metal Church, Slayer and Metallica. That's what you get here. Galloping rhythm guitars, razor slash leads, a vocalist who can hit the high notes with the best of them (and still not come off as screeching), and lyrics that are sometimes funny, sometimes insightful and sometimes exactly the cliché you need to make the song work.
I must have played this album a dozen times since I first downloaded it. It's the kind of record that takes you by surprise and makes you want to go back and listen to it again. Like right now.
Oh, and by the way: That's right. I said I downloaded it. Because the band is offering it on their MySpace page. For free. (At least of the time I'm writing this review).
My very favorite tracks here are the very Helloween-ish "Down That Hatch," the pounding fury of "I am the Tiger," the raw and aggressive "Kicked to the Kerb" and the hysterically funny ballad, "We Go Together." The cover of the theme from "Transformers" is another highlight and should probably be featured in the next movie if the producers of that film have any sense at all.
"Beer, Bitches, Blood" is one of those finds that make you realize how important social websites like MySpace can be to a band trying to get their music out there to the fans. I'm glad I stumbled across Hospital of Death (believe it or not, it was the "Transformers" cover that lured me) and I encourage you to look them up, too.
Hospital of Death: The Rev. D (Vocals), Dr. H.R King (Vocals/Guitar), Consultant M.Lord (Vocals/Guitar), Matron D.J. Feemo (Bass/Vocals) and Physician Shak Attack (Drums).
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2008 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
Revised: 09 Dec 2024 15:21:12 -0500.