Morning Revival" (Epic / Daylight; 2007)
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
Good Charlotte have taken punk and added a dash of pop. What used to be a snot-nosed band has become pop fodder. Truth is, I like it. They feed to their new fan base because, let’s face it, what they stood for then they now discard. I kind of knew that success would find them; it’s not as though they ran and hid in their one-bedroom apartments to escape it, either.
The element of shedding Hollywood ’s image now has them looking in the same mirror and asking “who's the cutest at the mall?” They have crafted a great frat boy and slumber party release. They used to sing about the pretty people and how much they hated their kind. Well, apparently, they like to date them. It's like having unlimited material at your disposal. I’m sure some girl is waiting for a song to be written about her just after the break up happens.
The guitar is funky throughout. It's got enough hooks to keep you listening and it's safe, too. There is some piano on the pop ballad entitled “Where Would We Be Now.” The drums just keep time so there's nothing to adjust after this CD finishes.
Benji Madden, one half of the twin combo with Joel, still flicks lit cigarettes at people per the song, “Keep Your Hand Off My Girl,” but it's hard to take them seriously. If you listened to their previous CDs you would think their parents told them to turn it down ... and they listened. But since the music is good, some new listeners will hold this one close while others will use it to scrape something off their shoes.
The slickest cuts are, “Misery,” “Dance Floor Anthem,” “Victims Of Love,” and “Broken Hearts Parade.”
For more information, check out
Chronicles of Life and Death" (Epic; 2004)
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
Good Charlotte have been able to place all their eggs in one basket when entering the punk-pop arena. Their sound is quick and they have matured in their lyrics, probably because their success allows them to request a backstage rider that consists of more than water and candy.
The punk is still here with
"The Chronicles of Life and Death," but it's mixed more heavily with pop and that's where
this CD differs in my opinion. The guitars are punchy and loud and the vocals are friendly,
making for a possible sing-a-long.
Good Charlotte have taken what made them and embraced it with a style that just ups the
ante for other bands in their genre. They can be confrontational but also
heartfelt; not an easy task to attempt or especially achieve, but Good Charlotte
does it with style.
The album flows with a different feel than the previous two with a "sit back and enjoy" kind of flow.
It's an hour well spent.
The best songs here are "Walk Away (Maybe)," "S.O.S.," "I Just Wanna Live," and "Secrets."
The CD is also available in two
cover styles: One for "Life" and one for "Death."
Good Charlotte: Benji, Joel, Aaron, Billy, Paul.
For more information, check out
Charlotte" (Daylight/Epic; 2000)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Good Charlotte are still another group who have mastered the power pop punk sound that's made bands like Blink 182 so popular. The difference here is that Good Charlotte's lyrics and sound are a good deal less edgy than those other bands and, except for a few dirty jokes and swear words, those bands aren't so edgy themselves. In other words, Good Charlotte are pretty bland.
Still, fans of the genre have apparently snapped up plenty of copies of this CD and the band's touring continues strong so, if you like this type of music, you might like Good Charlotte.
The first track (and first single) "Little Things," is easily the CD's highlight, and the CD also contains the "Little Things" video.
Maybe it's just me, but I'll stick to the rougher punk rock sounds like the Ramones, Rancid or Fear.
Good Charlotte is: Benji, Joel, Aaron, Billy, Paul.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2009 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
18 Feb 2025 14:11:14 -0500.