"Between the
(Loud & Proud Records; 2014)
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
"Between the Stars" is the fourth disc from Flyleaf and
the first with singer Kristen May. She has a powerful voice, just like Lacey
Sturm does, and I'm sure they wanted a singer who had the same sound. Lacey left
amicably from Flyleaf; she wanted to focus on her family. The first track here,
"Set Me on Fire," blasts out of the gates and other hard-knocking tracks follow
(see below) along with some thought-provoking lyrics.
The music of Flyleaf has two sides: they can rock your radio and they also have
a softer side. In my book, more range is always better. Heavy metal bands slowed
things down with ballads and hard rock has their interludes as well. All of the
music on "Between the Stars" is quality material. Sameer has plenty of riffs and
writes some incredible music with the other members. Kristen really shines as
the new lead voice of Flyleaf. They may have turned a page but they've also
written a new chapter.
Download these: "Set Me on Fire," "Thread," and "Well of Lies."
Flyleaf: James Culpepper - drums; Jared Hartmann - guitar; Kristen May -
keyboards, vocals; Pat Seals - bass, vocals; Sameer Bhattacharya - guitar,
keyboards, piano.
For more information -
"New Horizons"
(Octone; 2012)
Reviewed by Austin Rogers
"New Horizons" is Flyleaf’s third disc and would be
their last with lead vocalist Lacey Sturm.
The first track on this rocking album, "Fire Fire," has good guitar and great
vocals. The second track "New Horizons," has a great power guitar sound with
catchy lyrics, and the third "Call You Out," has a wicked guitar as well. "Great
Love" has very good vocals -- just like every song on this album. "Freedom" has
bad (bad as in good) guitar and, as always, incredible vocals by Lacey. "Green
Heart," the tenth track, has heavy guitar that will make your head explode. The
last song on "New Horizons" is "Broken Wings" and has insanely good vocals and
soothing lyrics.
Lacey Sturm left the band to take some time off for her family and has announced
she will no longer be a member of Flyleaf.
Flyleaf: Lacey Sturm - lead vocals; Sameer Bhattacharya - guitar, vocals; Jared
Hartmann - guitar; James Culpepper - drums; Pat Seals - bass, vocals.
Check out the band's page for more information:
"Memento Mori"
(A&M/Octone; 2009)
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
"Memento Mori" is Latin for "remember, you will die."
Flyleaf is back again with another powerful disc. Their first offering was self-titled and the first song, "I'm So Sick," introduced us to the sweet voice of Lacey Sturm (who has a Contralto singing voice), and then she screamed and raised every hair from here to the Canadian border. Lacey sticks to singing on this sophomore effort and each track is a gem in itself. She powers each track with her beautiful voice and pulls the listener in so you feel like she does while she sings.
The first four songs from "Memento Mori" were released as singles. Videos were shot for a couple of the songs. Depending on where you buy this disc you could also get some bonus tracks, up to nine in all. There are fifteen on the album so more Flyleaf is always a good thing. If you read Snidermann's review (below) you might see a name change for Lacey: she got married and some of the songs are inspired by her new relationship. Besides that she's worked with Apocalyptica and Orianthi recently so she's been quite busy.
The music on this disc is hard rock with some alternative mixed in. When they put the pedal down you get a good dose of heavy metal. The music and lyrics are upbeat and you won't feel depressed after listening; in fact, you'll feel pretty good because the message and the delivery are done in a positive way. Lacey's vocals are light on a few tracks but it's only to create the mood that's within the song. If you own their first CD then you should own this one, too.
I usually pick the best songs here but I would end up listing every track on this whole CD!
Flyleaf: Lacey Mosley – Lead vocals; Sameer Bhattacharya – lead guitar; Jared Hartmann – rhythm guitar; James Culpepper – drums, percussion, timpani, and wind chimes.
For more information, check out http://www.flyleafmusic.com.
(Octone; 2005)
Reviewed by Snidermann
I have just one question: Why have I never heard of Flyleaf before?
When a chick singer belts out the tunes like she does in this band, I should automatically be notified by some type of radar or something. This female singer, Lacey Molsey, belts out tune after tune of rock'n'roll better than any chick since Joan Jett or Lita Ford.
Flyleaf's self-titled CD is at hot as it gets. It ranges from light, airy lyrics into highly combustible vocals in one breath. The rage and loneliness are abundant in this powerful, expertly executed release.
From the moment you start listening to this CD, you can hear the band's passion and you can feel their pain and identify where they are coming from. Harsh and unafraid to put their feelings on the line with each and every song, "Flyleaf" is like finding a diamond on the side of the road.
Sometimes, I find recordings like this too deep, dark and depressing. While listening to "Flyleaf," however, I felt safe and close, as though I were dealing with a kindred spirit that has been through something that I, too, can benefit from. There is true inspiration to be found here.
Flyleaf's self-titled CD has touched my life like no other CD I've reviewed in a long time. And the surprise here is that it seems to have come from out of nowhere...
For more information, check out http://www.flyleafmusic.com.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2014 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
27 Jan 2025 14:14:07 -0500.