"Nightbound" (Frontiers Music; SRL; 2024)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

"Nightbound," by Find Me, is eleven tracks of sweeping AOR hard rock music that's big, uplifting and never gets too soft  (which has spoiled too many AOR albums in the past). It's full of lyrics about love, inspiration and moving on and it sounds big, sometimes almost epic.

As I listened through "Nightbound," I was struck by the fact that this is one of those AOR albums that finds the right balance, a balance between melody and heaviness (well, hard rock-ness). That's essential for an AOR recording (well, at least for me). At times, it reminded me of Night Ranger or the "Crazy Nights" album by Kiss.

My only problem with "Nightbound" is this: When I first listened to the album, I was in my car, and I was very unhappy with the mix, or production, or something. The balance seemed off; the vocals were too loud and the music was almost hidden in the background, even a little murky. So I tried it again on my home system a little later and, although it sounded slightly better, it still sounds off, especially on the first track, "Never Be Alone." Now, maybe this is just my copy. The dangers of downloadable music is that it often doesn't sound as good as a CD. But it's obvious enough to dampen the listening experience and that's too bad.

That being said, I still have to say this is one of my favorite AOR albums in some time, and "Nightbound" would have easily scored a solid three-guitarsaw review if the recording was just a little clearer.

Find Me: Robbie LaBlanc - Lead and backing vocals; Andi Kravljaca - Lead and rhythm guitars, acoustic guitars; Jonny Trobro - Bass and fretless bass; Rolf Pilotti - Piano and organ; Daniel Flores - Keyboards, backing vocals and drums; Fernando Brito - Percussion.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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