"Astral Journeys, Pt 1: Creations" (Northern Silence Productions; 2024)

Reviewed by Snidermann

I have been reviewing hard rock, heavy metal and punk music for quite some time and, before that, I just listened to the music that made me happy. All music, all kinds (well, not really all, I do hate some), but I do like a wide range of music and writing for RoughEdge.com. I get a chance to not only listen to the music, I get to review it. Best job in the world!

My current project is a band called Eldamar and their recording (I'm just going to type this one time, so pay attention!) "Astral Journeys, Pt.1: Creations" (wow, what a handful). This is frankly some of the ... what word am I looking for? I guess I'd call it a "futuristic, cognizant, nostalgic narrative" (that sentence gave me a headache and it took my daughter, my wife and myself to get that bitch figured out)

The tracklisting goes like this:
"Akt I; First Sight of a New Realm"
"Akt I: With Forces Good and Evil"
"Akt II: We Dwell"
"Akt II: Together"

And so on and so on. This recording deals with forces of good and evil and so on (at least, I think it does). Now the science fiction literature fan in me is all over this. Eldamar is setting the table for a story using music and I am already on Track 4 with nary a word sung. This is some cool shit; very well done and the production value is off the charts. The more I listen to Eldamar, the more I like it.

When you listen to music there's always a general description of what kind of music you are listening to. A genre. This one says "metal" and, yes, there are aspects of metal music in it, but that is far from what it actually is. I would consider this music a weird hybrid of rock, folk, classical, metal, jazz, blues, with stylized, high quality production and highly structured storytelling (and I am for sure missing something when it comes to what type of music this is, and I'm kinda sick of trying).

On with the review: I, of course, listen to the recording. Sometimes, when you're listening to an album, you get distracted by other things, pause, continue and eventually write the review. However, in this case, that is not possible. I would highly recommend you listen very carefully and focus because, if you don't, you will probably miss something important.

Why is "Astral Journeys, Pt 1" categorized as metal when, actually, it's closer to rock music with a metal twist? Listening to the recording for some time, I am still unable put it in any category or genre. I tried visiting their website for some clarity and just more confused. I guess you can just listen to this recording and be confused, like me.

This music is simply outstanding and, since there are no words to get in the way, you have use your imagination to get the gist of this recording. Whatever you want this recording to mean, that is what is means. I would have to say that, for the first time in over twenty-five years of reviewing, I don’t know what the fuck this recording is trying to say, but I so like the way they are trying. Now, after listening to this entire release, twice, I have come to the conclusion I know exactly as much about this album as I did before I started listening to it: And that would be a big fat goose egg.

Man, this shit was fun. I like to be caught off guard when it comes to music and Eldamar threw me a fucking curve to the point that I cant wait for "Astral Journeys, Pt. 2."

For more information, check out https://www.facebook.com/eldamarnorway/.

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.


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