"Call of the Void" (DISTAT; 2024)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

Wow. It's really hard to review an EP with only four tracks, with a total running time of under seven minutes. I mean, that's not a lot of material. But let me tell you what I can about Deny's "Call of the Void."

The EP starts with a bad AM intro that sounds like the radio in your car is having a hard time picking up a station. That changes about two seconds in when the rampaging guitars and vocal screams kick in, along with the breakneck rhythm. That track, the title track, continues that way for another  two minutes. Up next is "The Performance," which is more of the same, but with a karate-edge guitar that punches you in the throat throughout. The 54-second "War" is up next and it's an all-out attack, driving like a insane Tasmanian Devil from beginning to end. Finally, the final track, "The Hateful God," kicks in and it's more in sync with the first and second track.

Then, that's it. Not even seven minutes have passed and your already done. But, it's like they said about the Ramones: They could play forty-five minutes of music in half an hour. It's punk rock on speed. But, again, it's hard to give a full-blown review to four short (one very short) tracks. That being said, what I did hear on "Call of the Void" has intrigued me. I look forward to hearing more from the band ... I mean, more than 6-minutes and 55-seconds.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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