Business" (Dilligaf; 2009)
Reviewed by Snidermann
Whatever the elusive “it” is, Steve Cone has it. Talent, ability, charisma, songwriting talent, Steve's got it all and "Unfinished Business," his latest CD, is quality rock'n'roll from start to finish -- a fine example of excellent rock music.
There are a lot of great songs on this CD but there's one in particular that stands out for me: "Death From Above: is about the constant image of war in our society. The song rocks hard and features some pretty clever lyrics as well.
The more I listen to Steve Cone, the more I dig his style and appreciate what he is trying to say. His storytelling ability has a way to transport you whenever and whereever his imagination wants to take you. Well done, Steve Cone! Once again, "Unfinished Business" proves you can put out quality music album after album, year after year.
For more information, check out http://www.stevecone.net or http://www.myspace.com/stevecone.
"Crazy Ei8hts" (Dilligaf; 2008)
Reviewed by Snidermann
High quality rock'n'roll: that's what Steve Cone is all about. His "Crazy Ei8hts" is a full blown, rock'n'roll feeding frenzy, full of great music, impressive vocals and superior songcrafting skill.
Right from the beginning, I knew this recording was something special. I found the hooks fun and easy to get into and I found myself singing the songs after only one spin.
I was impressed by the variety and quality of the different cuts that appear on this CD. When I heard that Steve Cone plays all the guitars and supplies all the vocals (Erik Fehrenbach is on drums here) I was truly amazed all over again.
"Crazy Ei8hts" kicks metal ass. I think I may have to spin this sucker again ... right now!
For more information, check out http://www.stevecone.net or http://www.myspace.com/stevecone.
My Bones" (Dilligaf; 2007)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
It's always a bit nerve-wracking to start reviewing a CD by a guitar virtuoso. More often than not, the CD winds up being a self-important piece that simply showcases the aforementioned guitarist's admittedly incendiary skills, while paying little or no attention to song structure or listenability.
After just a few moments of listening to Steve Cone's "In My Bones," however, I was able to relax and really enjoy this CD. Rather than being a simple showcase for the truly stunning talents of Mr. Cone, "In My Bones" is a completely enjoyable and entertaining rock'n'roll CD, whose style brings to mind albums by such classic metal artists as Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss and Metal Church. The reason for this is that, in addition to Steve's skill as guitarist, bassist and vocalist on this CD, he's also an excellent songwriter. "In My Bones" flows like a great hard rock album rather than a musician's showcase.
There isn't a bad track on the CD, although a couple do slow down the pace (successfully and intentionally so). The production is sharp and clear and Cone's voice, while perhaps not as seasoned as, say, Ronny Munroe of Metal Church, is certainly serviceable. I can only imagine that he's improved dramatically since Snidermann's review of "Distortion" back in 2006. And the solos are near perfection. Never too long, never too short, always well-placed and perfectly fit to each track. Again, Cone's not showing off his considerable skill, he's using it to further the music, something that is much more important, especially to the listener.
Steve Cone's "In My Bones" kicks ass and fans of classic hard rock and heavy metal will do well to pick this one up.
Performing on "In My Bones" are Steve Cone - guitars, bass and vocals; Erik Fehrenbach - drums.
For more information, check out http://www.stevecone.net or http://www.myspace.com/stevecone.
(Self-produced; 2006)
Reviewed by Snidermann
When music is good, nothing on this earth can replace it. As I was listening to Steve Cone's "Distortion," I kept thinking, "Man, can this dude play a guitar."
"Distortion" is all about guitar but all the other instruments here sound nearly as good. What's impressive about that is that everything about "Distortion" is created by Steve Cone. The bad news is that Steve Cone, the vocalist, is a bit one dimensional and fairly predictable. That is a shame, because everything else about this CD is off the hook.
Steve Cone earns incredibly high marks for songwriting, performance and production but gets a few demerits for lackluster vocals. Still, this is an amazing release and fans of guitar-driven rock will find plenty to enjoy here.
For more information, check out www.stevecone.net.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2010 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights reserved.