"The Watcher" (Trailer Trash; 2007)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

Those who don't think Christian rock can be edgy and raw need do no more than listen to Gypsy Carns' "The Watchman." This is a record that will make you a believer.

Heavily steeped in the spiritual, "The Watchman" plays a little like an older Ted Nugent release. The Detroit City Madman can get a little spiritual himself (think "Fred Bear") but Carns has got him beat with songs entitled "Sound the Trumpet," "Jerusalem in Ruins" "Pray for Love" and more. Carns has the same raw edge and heavy guitar sound that the Nuge puts to good effect, but Carns is a much better vocalist, almost in the old school bluesman style.

The songs are written with fat chords, bluesy solos and hooks that are sharp but not too sweet. Amazingly, the lyrics don't seem like you're being preached to (most of the time) but rather move the song along rather brilliantly. Those who don't want to hear the message behind the music really don't have to.

An irresistible listen throughout, "The Watchman" is highly recommended for everyone but especially fans of Christian rock with real bite.

Performing on "The Watchman" are: Gypsy Carns - guitars, dobro, harmonica, vocals; Joe Scheibelhoffer - drums; Sean O' Bryan Smith - bass; Greg Morrow - drums; Mike Brignardello - bass).

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.


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