"Reflections" (Self-produced; 2004)

Reviewed by Snidermann

If you want something, just ask. That's exactly what I did when I reviewed the self-produced demo of Curse Of Disobedience earlier this year (see below). I asked for more and they gave it to me. What I heard then was good, but it was only three songs and, as I mentioned, it was all over way too soon.

Lo and behold, what should arrive in my mailbox but more Curse of Disobedience. And this full-length CD, "Reflections," is even better. 

This shit is tight, high quality metal that sounds like it came out of a professional studio with a major producer and a label. Nothing could be further from the truth. "Reflections" was self-produced and recorded in the guitarist's kitchen and living room (!). Recorded in just 21 hours, this CD sounds better than most of the major bands out there today. This is by far the best overall self-produced project I have ever heard. 

The music is simply outstanding, featuring hooks that stick in your head for days and, if I'm still humming the songs, you know they must be good. 

Bands like Curse of Disobedience prove that metal still has a bright future.

Curse of Disobedience: Paul Hill - guitar; Alex Mendiolia - drums; David Hernandez - vocals; Eddy Sanchez - bass.

For more information and samples, check out

"Curse of Disobedience" (Self-produced; 2003)

Reviewed by Snidermann

When I first got the Curse of Disobedience sampler (see review below), my only complaint was that I only had four songs from which to judge the band's music. Well, that's changed now with my receipt of this, the band's full-length, self-titled CD.

"Curse of Disobedience" is a killer recording from an outstanding metal band out of Texas and let me tell you, they rock like a fucker. Even more amazing, this recording was actually done in guitarist Paul Hill's living room. You wouldn't know if from listening! It sounds like a professional recording studio.

Hard, heavy and to the point, "Curse of Disobedience" is one of the best recordings I have heard in a while. Why this band is unsigned is a mystery to me, because they have more talent and metal ability than most of the headlining bands out there today. 

And if C.O.D can do a recording this good in their house, just imagine what they can do with a professional producer and an actual recording studio. It boggles the mind. 

Curse of Disobedience is one of my favorite new bands and as, I listen to their CDs over and over, their sheer talent and great sound it just blow me away. This band is the real deal - a high energy rock'n'roll outfit that has all the talent and moxie to be the a big thing in the heavy metal scene. 

Curse of Disobedience: Paul Hill - guitar; Alex Mendiolia - drums; David Hernandez - vocals; Eddy Sanchez - bass. 

For more information and samples of some of the band's work, check out You will not be disappointed. This band simply kicks fucking ass. 

Curse of Disobedience" Sampler (Self-produced; 2003)

Reviewed by Snidermann

This EP by Curse of Obedience out of Laredo, Texas is only four tracks and runs just over 15 minutes but this shit seriously rocks. For that short period of time, the listener is transported into a world of brilliant, atmospheric music.

Curse of Disobedience is extreme metal that literally rips from the CD player and jumps directly into your veins, filling you with a dangerously volatile energy. Alas, with only four tracks and 15 minutes, it's all over way too soon!

Bottom line: This band kicks metal ass. I can't wait to hear more from them!

For more information, check out

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 18 Feb 2025 13:23:26 -0500.