"Menace II Sobriety" (Organized Crime; 2008)

Reviewed by Spudbeast


If Crucial Unit, S.O.D. and Cheech & Chong had a four way and it produced a drunken baby, it might sound something like Cross Examination, whose sophomore effort’s title, “Menace II Sobriety,” pretty much sums up the band's philosophy. 

The CD begins with the always welcome ode to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, “The Return of the Shredder,” which is a razor-riff heavy intro that is kind of like training wheels compared to the rest of the album. "Maximum Overchill" beats you over the head with the massive blunt which is Cross Examination’s fast and brutal style of thrash. Next up is some truly classic party thrash, “Necroponics,” about a killer cannabis plant. Mid-paced and chant heavy, this song begs to be remembered (Also, check out the comic that comes with the CD for a visual aid!) 

“Unlimited Chainsaw” starts with a good, shredding riff, but it is quickly forgotten with the anthem that is “Arson Party Squad.” One of the more memorable songs, it’s the story of a drunken pyrotech and is lead heavy, which is always welcome. “Collateral Jam-age” feels kinds of like a mood breaker, but is still pretty funny. Poking fun at the Thrash Resurgence is “Thrashin’ for the Cash In” which shows the problem with the community inundated with cookie cutter bands. "Raid Your Fridge" is another light-hearted song about the beer munchies. The title track, which has a sick opening riff and an awesome melody, is probably one of the best songs on the album -- truly, this band's theme. 

A more slow paced, bass-driven "Blackout" is next which, though different, is quite a good song. “Operation Devastation” and “The Wimp Chipper” end the album with awesome riffage and great headbanging potential.

It takes a few listens to get used to Kegmasta D’s voice, but if you’ve heard Crucial Unit, it's in the same vein. At times, the mix muddies up in faster parts (which, unfortunately, is a lot) but it’s a small inconvenience for what surely will become a well-known thrash album. Their next album should be even better. 

All Hail the Awesome Party Squad!

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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