"Sweet Creatures" (Vanity Music Group; 2011)

Reviewed by Jeff Rogers

Fans of The Strokes, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, T. Rex, Mott the Hoople, Slade, Sweet, Kiss, and Silverhead will love Crash Street Kids. They've got a punk sound on a few songs but put in some glam rock on others and then combine it with bar music to make it into a great listening experience.

One of things I love about this band is that they don't reinvent those styles of music mentioned but they do breathe new life into that genre. Solid beats and tasty guitar solos are all the rage with Crash Street Kids. I'm a fan of piano keys and when they get pounded on through a whole song it takes me back to the days when music was created and not just manufactured.

Crash Street Kids would be great party music as well because it’s the kind of stuff that would save any lame party. No DJ required just some Hi-Fi, Lays Potato Chips and cold RC Cola.

Crash Street Kids: Ryan McKay - Vocals, Guitars; A.D. Adams – Drums; Ricky Serrano – Guitars; Deuce - Bass, Vocals.

For more information, check out their Facebook page at or . 

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.


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Revised: 18 Feb 2025 13:23:29 -0500 .