"Texas Medicine" (Year of the Sun Records; 2008)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

Crushing Canadian crew Cradle to Grave cram a truckload of groove metal licks and unabashed aggression into their 11-track release "Texas Medicine."

There's enough Pantera worship here to last a lifetime, but there's more to this quartet than that, as this disc balances out the mix with shards of punk metal grit and thrash metal tempo blasts to make this Devin Townsend-produced affair a ballsy bruiser you'll be playing over and over.

If you dig having to do with the Cowboys from Hell, Pissing Razors, Machine Head, or Sepultura, this disc will leave an indelible impression on you with its well-textured metal attack.

For more information, check out

"Cradle to Grave" (Year of the Sun Records; 2004)

Reviewed by Snidermann

Once again out friends at Cradle to Grave has given us a brilliant new release to be reviewed here at We have reviewed this band's music before and we have also had the pleasure of showcasing the band on our internet radio show, Rough Edge Radio. 

This self-titled CD is action packed with high energy music combined with excellent vocals and when you put that combo together you get a heavy music listening experience well worth its weight in gold. Cradle To Grave uses no other producer, save for the band members themselves. They need no such distraction to put out some extremely good metal music. 

Music this good done this purely makes you realize that it's really the music that is the thing. And this band proves it with the killer "Cradle to Grave."

Cradle To Grave: Greg Cavanagh - lead and vocals; Eric Green - bass; Matt Flower - drums; Dennis Barthe - lead and rhythm guitars.

For more information, check out

"Lifespan Sessions 2003" (Self-produced)

Reviewed by Snidermann

Reviewing new music is a crap shoot: When an unfamiliar CD hits your desk, you don't know whether it's going to suck hard or be the next Big Thing. Happily, the self-produced "Lifespan Sessions 2003" by Cradle To Grave falls into the latter category.

Listening to "Lifespan Sessions 2003" is like finding a $20 bill on the ground - it's totally unexpected and you are all the better for it. Cradle To Grave is heavy metal on a many different levels, coming at you from all sides at once, with nary a gasped breath between tracks. 

As of this review, Cradle to Grave is unsigned. I don't think that will last long. Cradle To Grave is a step above most of the new music out there today and offers a fresh and energetic sound loaded with anger and pure aggression. 

I have been spinning this CD for about three days now, with no end in sight. "Lifespan Sessions 2003" is simply fucking outstanding and Cradle To Grave is one of the best new bands I've heard in a long time. As I said above, reviewing new music is a crap shoot - but this time I really came up a winner.

Cradle To Grave: Greg Cavanagh - vocals; Eric Green - bass; Matt Flower - drums; Sasquatch - guitar.

For more information, check out

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.


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