"Demo 2000"
"Oh ..." (Demo)
Reviewed by Rose Grech
After producing their first self-entitled demo,
CombinationLock(cL) has put out a full-length album. This CD includes new songs as well as a few old ones from their
first demo.
cL kept their power-pop drive with almost each new song. Their energy is felt with the upbeat, quick
chords strumming through and the clever, catchy choruses. However, they are not just full of
pop; there are one or two melodic, slow-paced songs.
One interesting aspect is that all the songs do not sound similar to each other. Not only are the songs instrumentally different, but the vocals vary extremely as well. This credits cL for not being lazy and unimaginative as most bands tend to be.
This will definitely not disappoint their fans and also invites newcomers to have a listen.
For more information visit
Reviewed by Rose Grech
CombinationLOCK's (cL) "Demo 2000," is a
five-song EP alternating between radio-friendly pop and punk-influenced rock.
The songs range from hard, fast, bass-driven to power pop and punk guitar riffs,
with a variety of vocal styles.
The band, based in DC, formed after the break up of Sorry About Your Daughter in
1997. At first they were called No. 2 Pencil. In 2000, they changed their
name to combinationLOCK (which is a song from local heroes Fugazi), after a bass
player switch and a load of new songs.
cL's influences range from jazz and classic rock to rhythm and blues and heavy
metal, which can all be slightly heard in their music. They have a variety of
styles and sounds, some of which can be compared to Green Day, Offspring, Blink
182 and Days of the New.
Even though you might not be a fan of light alternative/punk music mixed with
catchy coherent choruses you may find yourself singing along to yourself while
bobbin' your head. cL successfully arranges and composes their diverse musical
elements and creates something enjoyable for everyone.
For more information visit
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the
cover makes you wanna hurl.
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Revised: 28 Feb 2021 15:51:11 -0500.