"Descensus" (Sumerian Records;
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
This is the fifth album from Circa Survive, and I'm
just now finding out about them. Sorry about that. These guys have a lot of
flavors in their sound: alternative rock, indie rock, post-hardcore and
progressive rock. "Descensus" has a cool sound and since they have a lot of
styles to pull from they do this disc justice and pull a little from each one,
on every track and every track.
The CD contains all the lyrics to their songs. It's all clean singing so it's
pretty easy to understand the words and, when they start twisting the vocals to
give it that weird vibe, you'll lean in close to hear what they are doing. The
guitar has an odd sound because it can move in between so many different styles
but it's not all crazy and, unlike thrown darts at a dartboard, it does stay
pretty consistent. The indie rock sound is present when the tracks are slowed
down but the post-hardcore sound in prevalent more often than any other. The
alternative rock genre comes in on the harder tracks with a tough intro and when
that gets extended you'll hear the progressive sound emerge.
The opening track "Schema" got a lot of play because of the video. If you
haven't seen it then you're in a for a treat. Head on over now to YouTube, I'm
done waxing this review.
For more information, check out
"Violent Wave" (Sumerian
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
Circa Survive are an alternative, Indie rock and
progressive outfit from Philadelphia, PA. This is their fourth disc. Their first
three were with major labels but this disc is different in that they released it
themselves because they wanted to capture a "live" sound. The band consists of
vocalist Anthony Green (the former singer of Saosin) and members of the
now-defunct band, This Day Forward.
Their "live" sound does come through on plenty of the songs. You can tell that
they put lots of layers into each song -- it isn't just four or more instruments
in harmony, it’s a drum beat that lays down the foundation or root and then the
vocals will come in and out of a song. The guitar is most prevalent on the
rockers but when it's slowed down it still has plenty of soul. The solos bend
between a rock and progressive sound. They, too, have a live sound to them and
since that's what they were aiming for, I'd say they hit the target.
This disc was my first foray into Circa Survive and I really liked their sound.
Toward the end of the disc their sounds slows down and becomes more ambient but
its still got a great feel. The female vocals really make the band and the
vocals here transcend the songs and you'll almost feel like she's singing in a
live setting.
Download these tracks: "Birth of the Economic Hit Man," "Sharp Practice," and
"The Lottery."
For more information visit their official website at this link
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2015 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
18 Feb 2025 13:23:29 -0500.