"Black Butterfly" (Eleven Seven/Atlantic/EMI; 2008)

Reviewed by Jeff Rogers

I found this Buckcherry release by accident. I was thumbing through some CDs and its black background -- with faint orange lettering -- caused me to take a closer look. It was released in the fall of 2008 so I guess the Halloween coloring was intentional ... who knows? My history with Buckcherry has been sporadic to say the least -- a single here, a song snippet for a pay-per view there -- you couldn't really call me a fan.

I will say that the review by Mike SOS (below) could be a copy-and-paste review for each Buckcherry disc since these guys pretty much stay the same musically. That's not slamming them at all. When you've got a right hand signature why start scribbling with the left paw in hopes to change the recognizable?

The first single, "Rescue Me," is a catchy tune and guaranteed to have you singing along. Josh Todd has a strut in his voice so when he sings you can tell he's holding the mic in one hand while using the other to gesture to the crowd. I love the bluesy guitar sound; it's got more grit than a gravel sandwich.

Each song has some stomp to it and a likable chorus to match. There are a couple that don't step in the same direction as the others (see the cherries listed below to omit the pits). The running time is 42:23 so, if you've got a drive to work, then this will get you there and you can stroll into the office at a rock'n'roll pace.

The cherries: "Rescue Me," "Too Drunk…," "A Child Called 'It'," "Rose," and "Imminent Bail Out."

Buckcherry: Josh Todd – lead vocals; Keith Nelson – lead guitar, backing vocals; Stevie D. – rhythm guitar, backing vocals; Jimmy "Two Fingers" Ashhurst – bass guitar, backing vocals; Xavier Muriel – drums, percussion.

For more information check out http://www.buckcherry.com.

"15" (10th Street; 2006)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

Buckcherry was one of those bands whose timing was less than stellar, as their brand of liquor-swigging, arena shaking rock was introduced a little before the most recent hard rock explosion was underway.

Reconvening after vocalist Josh Todd's solo efforts, the band's latest disc, their first in four years, takes the decadent rock sound championed by Guns 'N Roses, The Black Crowes, and pre-corporate Aerosmith and modernizes it for today's rock fan.

While the AC/DC guitar groove and Stones-y swagger of tracks like "So Far" and the profanely worded "Crazy Bitch" attempt to jumpstart the heavy blues-rock revival, it is songs like the slide guitar infused "Brooklyn" and the shameless power ballad "Sorry" that sticks in your craw long after the drugs and booze have exited your system.

Buckcherry is back, hopefully this time with an audience that's ready for their deliberate rock'n'roll excesses and shimmy on full blast.

For more information, check out http://buckcherry.com.

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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