"Don't Want to Dance"
(Icons Creating Evil Art; 2018)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Winamp (yes, I'm still using Winamp; don't be so judgy) tells me that Browsing Collection is "psychobilly." And, although Browsing Collection certainly has the energy that is prevalent in that genre, I'm not sure the term "psychobilly" applies. That punk rock attitude is there, with the sneering vocals and the rapid-fire guitar and rhythms but the EP is heavier than I anticipated, epecially considering the "psychobilly" tag.
And that's one of the things I like best about this collection. The music is loud and in-your-face and the vocals by Mimi Brander are at times powerful and strong and at others just a little Betty Boop-ish, giving the songs an interesting juxtaposition of sound.
The band's website describes the music as "Catchy hard rock with punk attitude and metal influences" and I'm much better with that description. There are influences of The Runaways, Girlschool and the GoGo's here and the combination of those styles works wonders. My favorite tracks are the opening number, "One Time a Year," with its driving guitars and Blondie-esque chorus, "Hi, But No" and its killer leads and the slower-paced but just-as-heavy "Oh, Sweet Sire."
Four of the six songs here start with some weird staticky sound effect that I could have done without but that's as minor a complaint as you can get. The bottom line is that "Don't Want to Dance" kicks ass in a way that makes you wanting more after those half dozen tracks are done. Isn't that exactly what an EP is supposed to do?
One thing is for sure and that's that Browsing Collection's "Don't Want to Dance" ain't psychobilly. Sometimes, I guess, even Winamp can be wrong.
Browsing Collection: Carro Karlsson - drums; Mimi Brander - Vocals, Rhythm Guitar; Moa Lenngren - Lead Guitar, Vocals; Nora Lenngren - Bass, Vocals.
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Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2018 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights reserved.