"Music To Quilt By" (Self-produced; 2003)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton


There aren't many bands who are as versatile as Brown Sox are. There humorously titled CD, "Music To Quilt By," contains songs that run the gamut from pop reggae ("PunkNnutz") to 60s rock ("Left By Try...") to death metal ("Computer Brain") to psychedelia ("Gone 2 Far"). What's fascinating, though, is that - for the most part - it remains, to quote Artie Johnson , "Veddy interesting."

Yeah, "Music To Quilt By" is far too uneven to be called a great CD. It more often will give the listener a raised eyebrow than the urge to bang their head; but you've got to give the band credit for doing everything their way. Try to categorize Brown Sox and you're likely to end up feeling like Russell Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind" - confident of your decision but still confused all to hell. The best way to describe the band's sound: "It sounds like the Brown Sox."

A stirring, if overly bizarre, cross of Frank Zappa and (maybe) Dog Fashion Disco, Brown Sox are the antidote for any time you think rock'n'roll is stagnant and sounds all the same. Doubtful? A quick listen to the CD's closer, an utterly bizarre cover of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song," will instantly convince you.  

Brown Sox: Russell Ockmond - guitar, vocals; Tim Hilton - lead guitar, backing vocals; Shawn Savoy - drums, percussion; Ernie Thibodeaux - bass.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 27 Jan 2025 13:40:12 -0500.