"Red Hair Revolution" (Self-produced; 2004)

Reviewed by Snidermann


Kudos to Bowlscraper (whose name is based on pot, not potty), who get the award for band name originality. Not only is the band's name cool, Bowlscraper really rocks hard and steady on "Red Hair Revolution."

Right from the opening chords, "Red Hair Revolution" takes you on a rampaging journey and never, ever lets you go until the final note has been struck. Man, what an enjoyable ride! 

As you can probably tell by their name, this band likes to party. "Red Hair Revolution" is the real deal - hard and heavy with little room left for any bullshit - just the way I like a metal band to be. Most of this CD is put together with only drums, bass, guitar and vocals, combined and produced here brilliantly but which would probably sound even better live. 

Bowlscraper is a band with a great sound and a solid future. 

For more information, check out

"Red Hair Revolution (Sampler)" (Self-produced; 2003)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton


I certainly understand the need for demo CDs - up'n'coming bands just can't afford to go to the studio and record ten or more full tracks just to get their sound out there, especially when a lot of people who wind up with those CDs might just toss them in the trash (the bastards!). We love to review demos here at Rough Edge - it's the least we can do for bands out there trying to make it.

What I don't understand is CD samplers - CDs that contain two or three tracks from a band's full-length CD. Hell, man, if you're going to put together an entire CD, send me the entire CD to review. Don't just pick what you consider to be the best songs and expect a full review.

All that aside, I have to admit I was floored by this "3 song sampler" from Bowlscraper. Bowlscraper is a band with stunning drive, impressive talent and absolutely unbelievable production value. The three songs on this CD do exactly what I want a CD to do - kick me square in my rock'n'roll ass. They're fast, they're tight and they rock hard.

First up is "All the Same," a song that blends the fury of Pantera and the modern riffage of bands like Disturbed. Next, "Higher (Than You!)" begins with a heavy, slower paced, almost stoner-rock style and then revs into raging Slayer territory. Finally, "Right In Front" wastes no time, starting with a blistering lead riff that morphs easily into a racing, chunking, throbfest that must have heads banging furiously when performed live in concert.

The production throughout this sampler is stellar. Bowlscraper couldn't sound better if they'd spent time in the studio with Jack Douglas or Mudrock. It's absolutely brilliant.

This sampler left me wanting more. Three songs just weren't enough so I went to the band's website (listed below) and downloaded a couple of more. Guess what? They were awesome, too.

I won't give a three song sampler the prized four chainsaw guitar rating but I can guarantee this: If the full edition of "Red Hair Revolution" holds up to the quality of this sampler, it's gonna get the full Monty easily.

For more information, check out

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 27 Jan 2025 13:40:13 -0500.