"Satan Worshipping Doom" (CD
Baby; 2010)
Reviewed by Spudbeast
Due to the subtlety of the band and album name, I dove head-first into 2010’s “Satan Worshipping Doom” not knowing quite what to expect. In retrospect, I should have known.
Chicago’s Bongripper opens the album of four ten-minute plus songs of slathering instrumental doom with the chugging riffs of “Hail.” The riffs are a balanced elixir of liquid concrete and concentrated THC oil, grabbing you by the neck and never letting go. A thundering rhythm section accompany the thick riffs, and a variety of tempo changes keep you hooked.
“Satan” follows up next, opening with a slab of distorted ambience before exploding into an old-school black metal riff that reeks of Burzum. The riffs on “Satan” hold their namesake dear, filthy and eerie they begin to slow down back to the tempo set on “Hail” and you will inevitably be mesmerized into head-banging all the way until the song closes out with a guzzling bassline.
Clocking in at over 16 minutes, “Worship” thunders off to a slow, dragging riff that would make Matt Pike proud. The thunder rolls until about half-way through when a cleaner interlude kicks in before leading to an epic and strange outro guitar solo that really inserts a lot of emotion into the song as it closes into a slight melancholy.
And we reach the final track with “Doom” which is exactly what you hoped it was. Opening with a riff as dense as a collapsed star, “Doom” eases its way into fruition, quietly and slow. Bongripper adds more and more layers with each passing verse, and soon it’s a chaotic evil hellscape that still possesses your neck.
“Satan Worshipping Doom” delivers exactly what it promises. Polished, deep, and layered doom metal that belongs on any fan of the genre or just killer riffs shelf. So grab your favorite piece, dim the lights, and take a weedian-sized rip to Bongripper.
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Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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