That Moves" (BFX Records; 2015)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
Not to start out this review like my previous one, but it's been a long time since I reviewed a Bobaflex album. And, once again, I wasn't sure what to expect. A band can change a lot in eight years.
I'm happy to report that any changes that Bobaflex has made in that time frame are apparently good ones.
"Anything That Moves" is another solid collection of driving tones that once again brings to mind my description of the band's "Tales from Dirt Town" album: It's like a cross between Powerman 5000 and Metallica. I'd like to add in a little Avenged Sevenfold, too. What's interesting is that each sounds bigger than you might expect. I don't know if it's so much from the musical style but more from the lyrical side. Each song sounds like its own little epic and yet remains part of the whole at the same time.
My favorite tracks on the CD are the anthemic "Dry Your Eyes," the hard-driving "Show Me" and "End of the World." The one slow song, "Turn Me On," is a surprisingly poignant and adult love song. Impressive.
Bottom line is this: Bobaflex keep doing what they do best and you can't ask for anything more than that.
For more information, check out www.bobaflexwarriors.com.
from Dirt Town" (TVT Records; 2007)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
It's been a long time since I've listened to a Bobaflex album, and I gotta tell you I was pleasantly surprised by what I heard on "Tales From Dirt Town."
From my previous Bobaflex experience, I expected to hear a band that had a heavy alternative and maybe even nu-wave backbeat to their metal. After re-reading Snidermann's review of "Apologize for Nothing" from two years ago, however, I expected another rap / heavy metal album in the vein of early Papa Roach. I don't know about you, but I've had just enough of those, thank you.
Instead, with "Tales from Dirt Town," I found a fast-paced metal album that isn't afraid to sound a little different. This CD sounds a little like Metallica crossed with Powerman 5000, if you can picture that. It's got the lightning fast rhythms of Metallica and the almost funky jaunt of Powerman.
The CD is at its best when it's going balls-to-the-wall. Songs like "Sellout" and "Need a Drink" take no prisoners. When the band tries for their radio hit, as they do with "Be With You," things get bogged down a bit ... but just a bit. Even though it's obviously designed to be the kind of track that can garner at least a little airplay, it's not half-bad, despite its Disturbed-like chanting.
"Tales from Dirt Town" should further cement Bobaflex's reputation as a with real talent, power and that rarest of all in today's music, originality.
For more information, check out the band's better-than-average website at www.bobaflexwarriors.com.
for Nothing" (TVT Records; 2005)
Reviewed by Snidermann
In the music industry, the name of a band can make or break them. A good name is a good thing and bad name is a bad thing.
West Virginia's Bobaflex have what I thought was a cool name and, when I listened to "Apologize for Nothing," I thought it was cool, too. The music herein is rap infused metal unlike other music in the genre. One moment it's screaming heavy metal vocals and then it drops right into straight rap. Personally, I like the heavy stuff better.
The lyrics are the highpoint of this release, being thought-provoking stories that really put you into the lives of the players. Everything from girls and drugs and everything associated with them and then a song about a man in a foxhole during WWII!
Bobaflex live up to the title of their CD with "Apologize For Nothing." They should stick to the heavy stuff and leave the rap alone but, then, you knew I was going to say that.
For more information, check out the band's better-than-average website at www.bobaflexwarriors.com.
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2016 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights reserved.