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"XL" (Universal)blueflannel.jpg (13901 bytes)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)

You want to like a band who state in bold print on the inside of their album cover, "We are not alternative!" And it's hard not to like Blue Flannel. When the band is on - as they are on "Havin' A Bad Day," they're sharp, they're funny and they rock. When they're off, which, unfortunately, they are too often, they're just another country/punk and, yes, alternative band whose music doesn't stand out from their counterparts. In other words, it isn't bad, it's just more of the same.

BLUE FLANNEL is: Derek Coile, vocals and guitar; David Montgomery, Guitars; John Barry, bass; Eric Talbot, drums.

Rating Guide:

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) A classic. This record will kick your ass.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) So-so. You've heard better.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

restinks.jpg (954 bytes) Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 16 Feb 2020 16:51:57 -0500.