"World Controlled" (Magic Circle Music; 2006)

Reviewed by Snidermann

Bludgeon. Such a simple word, meaning to get hit by a heavy object. An apt name for a band that can record an album like "World Controlled."

"World Controlled" is Bludgeon's second studio release and this band is as in your face as it gets. From the very first track, you know you are in the presence of something special and that feeling stays steady throughout the recording. 

"World Controlled" is strongly simple and it sticks to your ribs like a good steak. The music is solid and powerful and I've got to finish this up and get back to the stereo so I can listen to that sucker again. 

For more information visit

"Crucify The Priest" (Metal Blade/Magic Circle Music)

Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter

Funny I should get a CD titled "Crucify The Priest" at this time in history. Just as the Roman Catholic church is getting all kinds of negative press from the sins of its 'shepherds' there are, no doubt, more than a few really pissed off Catholics that would like to consider crucifying a priest if they thought it would do any good.

Bludgeon's debut CD, "Crucify The Priest," combines death metal, brutal death, speed metal, true metal, and a bit of thrash metal for a hateful concoction that leaves an impression. With all those styles at work you might think the songs are busy, mushy, and lacking definition, but that's not the case. The rhythm guitars are especially tight and set the foundation for the songs. The bass lines complement the overall crushing impact and the drums are forceful. The lead guitars and vocals are what you might expect from a band playing this style of music. It should be noted that all of the material was recorded live except for the lead vocals and guitar solos - very few bands, if any, are willing to go out on a limb like that any more.

Bludgeon's songs are not quite immediately close to any of the previously mentioned forms of metal, but the impact is quite similar to the amazing paths created by the new 'American metal' of Lamb Of God. All of the songs are very memorable which is quite a feat considering the number of new songs I hear on a weekly basis.

Here's a little game - the CD's twelve song titles can all be used up in a few quick sentences that likely represent many people's feelings towards the Church at the moment: Many Catholics feel that the Church has been putting up one big "Smoke Screen" and feel "Tortured Through Lies." Now feeling "Abandoned" by the Church and their religious lives figuratively "Stained In Blood" many Catholic's lives are like a "Living Hell" and insufferable "Turmoil." No wonder affected Catholic's thoughts are turning to "Crucify The Priest" and "Voluntary Manslaughter." Although the Church has now professed "Zero Tolerance" to this kind of abuse, the Church may be "Bound" to suffer its "Last Rites" because of its "Idle Distinction."

Bludgeon are based in Chicago and are quite well known in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. I think the rest of America will be hearing from Bludgeon in due time.

The extensive liner notes are quite informative, but may actually give away too much of the band's modus operandi and takes a little bit of the mystery out of the finished product. Not a complaint really, but just a bit of a downer given the band's underground roots.

"Crucify The Priest" was produced by Joey DeMaio (Manowar). "Crucify The Priest" is also Magic Circle's first release. 

Bludgeon: Mark Duca on vocals and rhythm guitar, Carlos Alvarez on guitars, Eric Karol on bass, and Matt "Chewy" Dezynski on drums.

For more information visit

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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