"Beyond the Red Mirror" (Nuclear Blast; 2015)

Reviewed by Jeff Rogers

Oh, yeah, some power metal ... German power metal at that. What more do you need? This is the tenth disc from these masters and this is also a concept album that is a continuation of "Imaginations from the Other Side" (1995). The first track, at nine minutes, is the set up for the whole album. You get plenty of operatic sounds and the dusting off of the pipes that will soar to heights unknown.

Power metal undoubtedly moved overseas and thanks be to the bi- and tri-lingual nations that embraced it. Blind Guardian have taken on a huge production with "Beyond the Red Mirror" and added more than ninety members for two orchestras to tackle the sound and present a full-bodied power metal album that would be great to see in concert. Each track develops and sustains you while the story is told. The tracks often end on a crescendo to drive their point home.

The guitar is incredible -- the tone, the solos -- it's the highlight for me besides the clean vocals that range from straight-forward to operatic. Not every track is a power metal masterpiece; there are plenty of songs that might pass as ballads if this wasn't a concept disc about science fiction and fantasy. I'm a huge fan of albums that tell a story and cause you to listen to them in their entirety. "Beyond the Red Mirror" is basically a movie soundtrack to a story that you have to use your imagination to tell.

Blind Guardian: Hansi Kursch - lead and backing vocals; Andre Olbrich - lead, rhythm and acoustic guitars; Marcus Siepen - rhythm guitar; Frederik Ehmke - drums, percussion.

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"Fly" (Nuclear Blast; 2006)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

German power metal troupe Blind Guardian's holdover three-track disc, "Fly," contains a potpourri of textures for your ears to enjoy. 

From the massive-sounding power metal opus of the title track , to an acoustic rendition of "Skalds and Shadows" that the folksier side of the metal spectrum should clamor over, to a quirky cover of "In A Gadda Da Vida," this release is a tad scattershot yet satisfying for those on the watch for this veritable act's undoubtedly mighty next full-length. 

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"Imaginations From the Other Side" (Century Media)

Reviewed by Snidermann

In a word: WOW! Blind Guardian kicks some major metal ass!

Ferocious heavy metal tunes belt forth continuously throughout this CD, begging the listener to re-live this experience again and again. Right from the start Blind Guardian held my attention and I was amazed at their musical variety.

Blind Guardian is nothing short of brilliant: one song will abound with thunderous metal; the next ministerial type ditties can be heard and everything else in between. Blind Guardian kept me on the edge of my seat with my ears glued to my stereo. The overall coolness and musical ability of Blind Guardian makes this one killer fucking band.

Blind Guardian: Hansi Kursch vocals and bass, Andre Olbrich guitars, Marcus Stepen guitars and Thomas Stauch drums.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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