"Weight of the Wound" (Relapse; 2006)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

Birds of Prey definitely get the award for stupidest song titles, as "Mangled by Mongoloids" and "Buttfucked with a Shotgun Barrel" are top contenders for the most crass and vile song names this side of grindcore.

Thankfully, this outfit, which contains members of Alabama Thunderpussy, Municipal Waste, Burnt By the Sun, and Beaten Back to Pure, redeems itself and its buffoonery by writing some ballbusting, intense, self-professed "death and roll" that goes horribly right. Actually, they do a fine job of combining metalcore, southern rock, old school crossover punk, and stoner metal into a 10-track equivalent of sight gags and Benny Hill-esque humor done to an extreme metal beat.

And, despite being downright offensive on songs like "Murder of an Off Duty Cop," the sludgy goodness of those riffs almost makes you forget how mind-numbingly moronic Birds of Prey are.

Let's hope these guys morph from joke band to monster side project, as they have the pedigree and musical talent to rival the likes of Down if they only allow the brains to at least come one-third closer to their impressive musical brawn.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.


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