"So Happy It Hurts"
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
The year was 1983. The band Journey was hitting their stride with the Frontiers tour and they were literally everywhere: MTV (they actually did play music at one time), millions of records sold, sold out tours and, yes, one of those stops was at the Los Angeles Forum where I saw them perform live.
Bryan Adams opened for them and what I remember was quite a show. I have not followed Bryan Adams since then (don’t know why, just never reconnected) but that is all about to change with his recording of "So Happy It Hurts."
If you're of a certain age, you remember Bryan Adams with his hits from the 80s: "Cuts Like a Knife," "Summer of '69," "Heaven" and "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You." Harsh and raspy, Bryan Adam’s voice has not changed a bit since the 80s. "So Happy It Hurts" is one great rock release, done in the style of the vintage singer/songwriters of the 60s. This release has a track will never get airplay just for the name of the cut: "I Ain't Worth Shit Without You." What a great song! Actually, all of the songs are kinda fun, not complicated, with no hidden meanings, just solid, good guitar rock.
I am having a frickin' great time listening to this recording. You can tell this performer has a solid relationship with his kids and, frankly, I have been in a happy relationship for the last forty years (with kids and grandkids) and could not be happier, myself! I know where Bryan Adams is coming from when he says "So Happy It Hurts." Good solid rock'n'roll, done with class and style. Good job, Bryan! Keep it up.
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Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the
cover makes you wanna hurl.
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