"Lift" (Forefront; 2001)

Reviewed by Jeff Rogers

Audio Adrenaline has been around the Christian Contemporary Music scene since 1993. They can rock and they can create an atmosphere in which willing hands are raised proudly in the air. I have always liked Audio Adrenaline because the guitar is funky, and it requires you to bob your head along when a groove is delivered by the guitarist. There's a lot of guitar filler, too: intros, outros, and no spaces are left empty.

Audio Adrenaline leans toward the pop/rock style that seems to be the most inviting to Christian artists. Even though the band has sold enough albums to make them staples in the CCM arena, they still consider themselves the underdogs of Christian music and they keep putting out discs year after year, recently celebrating a "Greatest Hits" release. The other thing I like about Audio Adrenaline is that these guys are husbands, fathers and musicians and they get involved in causes that further their faith.

Mark Stuart has been the lead singer since the band formed. His vocals are gritty in some parts on this release -- just because it's Christian music doesn?t mean that an angelic voice is always present. Mark has gotten better with age. Sure, he has progressed in his vocal ability but he continues to use all he's got. The lyrics are reverent, earnest and spiritual. The music is very inviting and safe yet nothing is expected from you while you listen. 

If you like find that you like this release, check out their earlier catalog. They were a little more untamed in the early 90s.

If you like Lifehouse, PFR, Jars Of Clay, or Newsboys then you will surely accept Audio Adrenaline into the fold.

The best adrenalinized cuts are ?You Still Amaze Me,? ?I?m Alive,? ?Glory,? and ?Summertime.?

Audio Adrenaline is: Mark Stuart, Will McGinniss, Ben Cissell and Tyler Burkum.

For more information, check out

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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