"Demo" (Self-produced)

Reviewed by Jason Savage

According to their presskit, Alone Vocalist/Bassist Rinat moved to Los Angeles from her homeland of Israel where she met guitarist Steve Ripley. After testing the West Coast waters, they relocated to Chicago where they hooked up with drummer Bryan West. Details may be vague about why they moved  but the results aren't. Alone has been cultivating a following that is spreading at a steady pace across the Midwest. Their 1,300 (and growing) member national street team (aka: "Street Dawgs") have been busy garnering support. Their website has received over 70,000 hits and they are currently moving up the charts on They have opened for national acts such as Fear Factory, Soil, Sw1tched, Buckcherry, Kittie, Mudvayne and a host of others.

By now I'm sure you're wondering what all the excitement is about? Well, let me give you some insight on what Alone brings to the masses. I received their two song demo several months ago but really wanted more songs to give an objective review. They recently added eight songs to and were cool enough to send me another demo with five of these. Enough of my ranting, let's get on with the music.

First off, Alone aren't your typical "metal" band even though they employ some pretty heavy guitar chords. Rinat casts shades of Susanna Hoffs, the sexy sounding vocalist for the 1980s all girl band, the Bangles. This is evident on "No Match," the opening track and one of the most catchy tunes I've heard in awhile. She also manages to bark out angry screams that somehow co-exist well amidst the powerful hooks. Blending metal guitar chords, 80s New Wave style keyboards and Rinat's soothing vocals, Alone's mix provides a rather unique cocktail. Another stand out tune is "Smile," which really shows off her Hoffs-esque side as eerie keyboards poke through some straight-forward rock guitar strumming. "I Am" has more of a heavy rave trip ambience that would probably be best E-fueled. "Push Me" mixes metal guitars with whiny sounds fresh off a "Cars" album.

Overall, I really loved the ride Alone took me on. They have successfully genre-hopped while simultaneously pulling 80s stylings into a volatile hard rock mix. They have taken the New Wave pop sensibilities of bands like the Bangles, the Cars and even U2, and melded them with newer metal, rock and rave offerings. I would be very surprised if Alone DIDN'T make it big. They have a solid foundation and a growing fanbase. All they need now is a record deal and a tour. 

Alone is: Rinat (vocals/bass), Steve Ripley (guitars), Bryan West (drums) and Bill Gardner (live guitars).

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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