(Magna Carta; 2007)
Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton
On the front cover of Age of Nemesis's "Terra Incognita" is a sticker that proclaims the CD to be "In the Loud N Proud tradition of Deep Purple, Rush, Dream Theater and Iron Maiden." As I listened to the CD, I tried to listen for any hints of those bands buried in the tracks of "Terra Incognita." And I heard hints of Deep Purple and Dream Theater but no sign of Iron Maiden whatsoever. Rush, however ... well, Rush was a different story.
The progressive rock found on "Terra Incognita" reminded me of Rush more than anything else. The epic songwriting styles, the artistic flow of the band's performance, the production that could have been too huge but was properly restrained and balanced. Like Rush, Age of Nemesis challenge their audience a little on "Age of Nemesis." They deliver a rousing hard rock performance but stay away from cliches and contrivances. Instead, the listener is taken on a unique journey through twelve tracks of thoroughly artistic rock'n'roll. Artistic, but not pompously so.
I can't imagine anybody who likes Rush's style not liking "Terra Incognita." Age of Nemesis may not be as commercially viable as Rush, but their hearts are obviously in the same place.
Age Of Nemesis: Zoltan Kiss on vocals, Zoltan Fabian on guitars, Csaba Berczelly on bass and acoustic guitars, Gyorgy Nagy on keyboards, and Laszlo Nagy on drums.
For more information visit
(Magna Carta; 2006)
Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter
It has seemed lately that pretty much all that?s being released these days is a steady stream of metalcore and chaotic metal. I?m not complaining, but it has gotten a bit tiring to listen to those stylistically limited genres over and over in such a limited period of time. Out of nowhere came a preview copy of Age Of Nemesis? ?Psychogeist? in my mailbox. Then I saw all I needed to see ? Age Of Nemesis is a progressive band from Hungary. I was happy about the band being progressive and thrilled the band was from another country besides the United States.
Age Of Nemesis is a progressive band ? there?s no doubt about that. What?s interesting is that they draw equally from traditional metal/progressive metal for the requisite heaviness and forward thinking rock artists for artistic merit and newly ploughed musical ground. In the heaviness department Age Of Nemesis have the bases covered by echoing genre stalwarts such as Dream Theater, Rush, Iron Maiden, and Fates Warning. And, of course, the band?s songwriting is progressive in nature with instant thoughts of early Evergrey being an obvious comparison. Age Of Nemesis? art-rock leanings cover a diverse swath of artists such as The Alan Parsons Project, Genesis, Yes, and Camel.
?Psychogeist? starts off with a six-track mini-epic that is comparable to the genre?s best efforts. The rest of the album is not dramatically different save for the lack of a unifying lyrical theme. A couple of instrumentals add an interesting dimension that might only be found on albums by symphonic metal bands. What?s most impressive is that ?Psychogeist? is obviously something that wasn?t just thrown together. ?Psychogeist? has all the hallmarks of thought, consideration, and copious chops to make a cohesive whole.
I find ?Psychogeist? to be wholly satisfying and thoroughly engaging listen; unfortunately, I get the feeling that Age Of Nemesis will get lost in the shuffle of the plethora of musical options offered to music consumers. Regardless, kudos to Magna Carta for finding the talented Age Of Nemesis and offering the band to get their music out to a wider audience. ?Psychogeist? is the first official 2006 release that I?ve reviewed and I know it will be fairly high on my list of favorite 2006 releases.
?Psychogeist? was produced by Lajos Gulyas.
Age Of Nemesis: Zoltan Kiss on vocals, Zoltan Fabian on guitars, Csaba Berczelly on bass and acoustic guitars, Gyorgy Nagy on keyboards, and Laszlo Nagy on drums.
For more information visit
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright ? 2008 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
Revised: 10 Mar 2025 10:50:20 -0500.